The Admin Name Oro

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The Admin Name Oro

Group Server

Scott: {Asleep on Tango side between Tango and Jimmy}

Grian: {working on an April Fools Life Series Crown For Cleo}

Suma: It’s nice to take a break!

fWhip: You needed it Suma, as much as Scott did!

Acho: Even though he’s only admining BCG and MCCI!

Dream: He still has Nox Crew help with MCCI and all of us help as well, and he has Apo on BSG right?

Owen: Yeah, Apo offered to help, I needed an admin day off after Pirates….'

fWhip: Doesn’t help that Scott also helps look after SOS!

Grian: He also helps with the Life Series!

Suma: I’m still worried about the Hermits….

Grian: Papa K can look after the server perfectly fine X! Pulse Etho, Bdubs, and Joel are helping, and have direct contact with me…

Suma: {Breaths relaxing}

Grian: There we go, I just have to give this to Cleo when we get back to Hermitcraft, or if she jumps to the Winner Server…

Suma: How many Hermits is that now?

Grian: Me, Pearl, Scar, and now Cleo! Scott and Martyn are the other two!

Scott: {Sqworms}

Tango: {Starts running his hand through Scott hair} He seems to be having a nightmare…

Jimmy: {Notices the glow in his wings} I think it might be a memory one…

Tango; How can you tell?

Jimmy: The glow in his wings…

Tango: {keeps running his hand through Scott’s hair}

Scott: NO!… {Jumps up and a admin ancient admin spell appears}

Dream: Ancient Admin Magic!?
Scott: Shit! {Grabs it and it goes back to him} S…sorry… {Lays back holding his head}

Jimmy: What’s wrong dear….

Scott: {His admin magic appears in his hand and then they see it}

they see magic covers his mouth

Scott: I’m not allowed to say…. {Looks out the window looking at the setting sun}

A Large Dining Comes From Every Communicator In The Room

Grian: The primes want us all in the admin Domain…

Scott: Fuck…

Suma: {Opens the portal} Come on…

Admin Domain…

Sagittarius/Scorpio: Ok, who did it…

The Group: {Silent}

Aris: Just fess up guys they know who did it…

Scott: Sorry…. I didn’t mean to uses the ancient magic….

Scorpio: {Sighs} Scott explain to me what happened, you're not one to use magic by accident, and especially senses you know only a few people can use ancient admin magic…

Scott: I had a nightmare from memory, and when I woke up it had activated…

Scorpio: How long has your magic been acting weird?

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