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Things happen when you least expect them to; remember, something will break the monotony of everyday life and things will change.

3rd person pov

Winter was slowly coming: the freezing wind could slice cheeks and the cold air breathed could freeze bones; ice surrounded the areas, fog filled everything with mystery, darkness accompanied people to work and it was now finally morning.

Normal day as usual; Megumi woke up as the ringing of the alarm became so loud that scared him and made him fall out of bed: good way to start. He was still on the floor when he managed to turn it off and slowly get crouched, trying to figure out what happened; meanwhile he put a hand on his face and started scratching his eyes. He hated beginning mornings in a bad way, it upset him and took him some time till he could go back to normal, moreover, he hated when people wanted to talk with him when he was just awake, especially if the day began in a bad way; luckily, most of the time he was at home alone. He lived with Gojo, that for him was almost like a parent, but he was kind of busy all the time; despite that, they managed to see eachother once or twice a week and Gojo provided him everything he needed. On the other side, two other little creatures lived with him, two precious dogs that looked more like wolves, the first white and the other black; he loved them with all his heart, even though he didn't show it much, and took care of them carefully.

Five minutes had passed when he finally decided to get up from the floor and get prepared for school: it was now already late November, the 26th to be precise, so nothing new, no first day of school, no first day in a new school, nothing like that, just an usual and boring day like the others.He started searching for his slippers, lost who knows where in that room: he has always been a neat person, but when it came to his slippers, he lost them everywhere and they were nowhere to be found most of the times; fortunately, he found them right away, one was under the bed, totally unmade, the covers were even falling down from the mattress (we might have noticed that he is messy also when he sleeps), and the other was in front of the fireplace. That fireplace was one of the things that he appreciated the most in his house; there was one also in the living room, but since he wasn't used to spending a lot of time there, he used the one in his room the most, and he adored it. He also liked the contrast that it created with the environment outside: since it was almost December, outside was pretty cold and Megumi was by now used to waking up to the view of freezed roads, darkness and fog, but that morning it was different. Indeed, he woke up to the sight of snow covering roads, roofs, buildings, road signs and lawns. He wasn't surprised, it would snow every year, he was just happy deep inside, he liked snow.He then went to the bathroom, where he took a shower and got dressed: he wore a tight black long-sleeved shirt, dark-gray not extremely baggy jeans, a light-green oversized hoodie that could keep him warm and then white Airforces.He decided to have breakfast as usual with hot milk, biscuits with chocolate drops and a banana, he then brushed his teeth, spayed some perfume, put his black jacket on , oversized as well, took his backpack, black too, and left for school.

Outside was freezing. He has always gone to school on foot and he has also always been used to slippery roads and sidewalks, but that morning he almost broke his leg two times due to the snow covering the ice; nevertheless, he got to school safely and without broken legs, he had to say that he was lucky to have only a 10 minute walk to school.He started going to his first period and was relieved to feel some warmth inside the school.He was in 11th grade and didn't have difficulties at school: he had his own method, was smart, got good grades and kind of appreciated studying. His first class on Monday was Chemistry, then Physics, English and History, lunch break and then Maths and English again, this time literature.

School started at 8.00 o'clock and during lunch break students had the possibility to go wherever they wanted inside the school, so Megumi usually went to the library, he ate there and read something concerning something he liked, revised school homework or just relaxed on his phone. He had to admit that he liked reading books, but wasn't' much of a nerd really, neither when it came to school, yes he got good grades but he
didn't study that much; some people would have defined him as someone who studied a lot, but that wasn't true: he would obviously study and he usually had to spend two hours of his day studying or doing his homework, but the truth was that he could catch things easily and even the most difficult parts weren't so difficult for him; he surely had some hard times when studying some subjects like Maths or Physics, he wasn't some kind of genius who didn't have to study anything and be great anyway, sometimes he also had to spend whole days studying, but he just didn't have difficulties in learning and understanding things, and even when it happened, he was always able to solve the problem, that's why he succeeded and why everyone thought of him as some genius.

He arrived to class early and sat as always at the back of the class: middle row, last desk; he spent some time on tiktok but nothing really amused him, meanwhile other people arrived and some of them said hello to him.He had lots of acquaintances, but not friends, he had no one as a friend. That didn't bother him, he was a loner, but deep inside he would have liked to have a friend or two.

Class then soon started, but, unexpectedly, it started in a different way from the other boring days. There was finally something new, different.

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