chapter one

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September 1st 1991. The day Sophia had been dreaming of her whole life. The day she started Hogwarts. The day she escaped her family. Hogwarts would provide a new freedom that she'd never experienced before.

The platform was bustling with people, children of ages 11-18, some with parents some without. Everyone was smiling, looking excited for the new school year.

"Pay attention Sophia" her father commanded, she groaned and feigned interest in his threats. It was something about how she better end up in Slytherin and honour the Malfoy name. As the lecture continued, Sophia glanced over to a family of red heads. The Weasley's. Sophia was told to stay away from them, so she had every intention of befriending them. One of them in particular caught her eye, a tall one who seemed to be the same age as Celestia. He had big brown eyes and seemed to be making fun of the others, he was really handsome, Sophia thought. Roxie seemed to notice where she was looking. 'Fred!' The little girl expressed. Fred Weasley. Sophia liked that. If she ended up with Fred Weasley, it would entirely piss off her father, that would be great. Pissing off family made her happy, so, she needed to end up with Fred Weasley. Plus, he was really cute, she was sure she'd grow to like him.

They boarded the train and Sophia was forced to sit with her brother and his goons. Sophia had been friends with Pansy once, when they were really young they'd been incredibly close. Then Sophia started having opinions and they weren't allowed to be friends anymore, Mrs Parkinson saw to that. Draco decided to continue the lecture.

"Honestly, you two need to stick to father's rules. It'll just get you in trouble if you don't" he snapped, "you see, I follow the rules and I've never been locked in that room, and, look, Soph, Rox... you two just need to behave appropriately, mostly you Sophia but Roxie you gotta stop following her... she's a bad example" Roxie leaned into Sophia, she was trying to hide.

"Draco, I think you should take everything you just said and shove it up your arse" she smiled sweetly, Draco glared an her and Pansy let out a small laugh, Crabbe and Goyle looked shocked.

They were ignored the rest of the journey, Sophia tried to calm Roxie's nerves about starting at Hogwarts.

"Any house but Slytherin, that's all you have to think Rox" Sophia explained, Roxie nodded slightly, still seeming nervous.

"I don't know if I can.... I'm not brave like you..." Roxie whispered, looking down at the compartment floor.

"Yes you can, I promise" she smiled, hugging Roxie close, the brunette nodded slightly.

The castle stood majestic and magical above them as they waded toward it in the boats along the lake. Pure joy and excitement filled Sophia as they neared the pathway,

"This is beautiful" Sophia whispered, Roxie mumbled some form of agreement,

A short while later, the entire year of children were crammed into a hallway outside a huge set of double oak doors.

A curly haired girl was explaining some of the history of Hogwarts nearby, Sophia turned and began listening.

"That's interesting" Sophia commented, the girl smiled broadly, she had big brown eyes and slightly large front teeth.

"Oh I know! I'm Hermione by the way, Hermione Granger" she replied, reaching her hand out, Sophia smiled in return.

"Sophia Malfoy, nice to meet you" she could Hermione's eyes flicker at the mention of her last name, she clearly knew. But, they kept talking. And talking, until an old witch in an emerald robe interrupted them all.

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