chapter fourteen

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Sophia was so horrified when she listened to the story that most of it didn't sink in. Peter Pettigrew or something was the one who confronted Sirius and then Sirius killed him. Fudge then began to discuss Sirius' lack of madness, he believed Sirius had broken out to rejoin Voldemort and help him rise to power once more. The group they'd been staring staring at left, they all stared under the table at Harry, who looked horrified.

They didn't discuss what happened at dinner that night, partly becasue Percy was sat nearby and Cedric had joined them. Cedric had kissed her goodbye that night and she'd handed him his present,

"I'll miss you my love" he whispered, holding her close. Sophia smiled,

"I'll miss you too" he then left, and she was left to go find Hermione.

The next day, Sophia was laughing at Ron eating a peppermint toad and Hermione had already started on homework.

They tried to convince Harry to not go after Sirius, but he seemed to blow them off. He told them he heard his mother scream when the dementors approached him, and Sophia had no defence for Sirius anymore. She couldn't pretend she knew he was innocent, she'd been questioning it for a while, if he was innocent, why would he hide so much information from her? He was her uncle, she loved him, but she had to doubt his innocence, and plan with her friends as if he was a murderer. Harry wanted to kill him, she could tell.

"Malfoy knows" Harry stated, turning to look at Sophia, "all the stuff he said in potions, did you know?" Sophia shook her head,

"No.... My family don't tell me anything..." Ron then tried to dissuade Harry from his plan but he just kept talking about her family,

"Malfoy's dad must've told him, he was right in Voldemorts inner circle, wasn't he Soph?"

"Uh-yeah" she answered,

"So obviously, they knew Black was working for Voldemort, you said he's your mums cousin right?" He looked at Sophia who just nodded, "so he's also family, and they're all psycho that lot, except for Soph" Sophia didn't feel like interjecting about Roxie and Leo, Harry was on a rant.

"And Malfoy would love to see you get blown to bits, he's trying to get you to get yourself killed before we play Slytherin"

Hermione tried to convince Harry that his parents wouldn't want himself in danger, but Harry's retort shut them all up. A visit to Hagrid was decided, Harry intended to ask about Sirius but everyone else wanted to drop the conversation.

When Hagrid opened the door, he was wailing,

"Yeh've heard!" He bellowed, and chucked himself onto Sophia and Harry who happened to be closest to the door, they both stumbled back and Ron and Hermione heaved him off.

"What is it Hagrid?" Hermione asked, Hagrid kept crying, Harry spotted a letter and read it out loud. Hagrid was proven to have no wrongdoing on his part, which caused Ron to celebrate, but at request of her father, BuckBeak was going on trial. They all stared shocked,

"Oh I just hate that man" Sophia grumbled, everyone agreed with her.

They all began to explain how they would help Hagrid with the case, Hagrid then managed to pull himself together. Hagrid then began describing his time in Azkaban and Sophia felt awful for him,

They spent the whole next day searching through books for information that could help Hagrid, Sophia had also sent a letter to her father begging for him to leave BuckBeak alone, she was sure it wouldn't work but Hermione said it was worth a try. She received reply telling her that BuckBeak had posed a great threat to her brother's life and she was a disgrace for caring more about a filthy creature than her own family.

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