chapter twenty four

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Whilst, Sophia did love Cedric as friend, she found that after the second task, many people assumed they were dating again. Which was not the case, Sophia didn't care enough to explain to anyone that she'd never even properly dated him the first place, but it was getting rather annoying. Fred was getting angry too, but him getting jealous just meant that any makeout sessions were far better.

Leo also seemed to think she was dating Cedric, he'd stopped talking to her again and seemed annoyed whenever he saw her. Sophia didn't like this and was hurt by it but understood that he must've been going through something so never brought it up.

She'd also been spending more time with Cedric, she felt exceptionally guilty over the fact he clearly put more time, energy and care into their friendship, so they made sure to hangout at least twice a week. Fred wasn't too happy about this,

"I still don't like him" Fred commented as Sophia was getting ready to leave to go meet up with Cedric,

"Freddie, you're my boyfriend. You're the one that I've been obsessed with since I was eleven" she'd smiled, resting her hands on his chest, "besides, I never actually dated him" he'd stared back at her confused, "it was fake, I just wanted to make you jealous" he'd flushed red,

"You spent a whole year in a fake relationship just to make me jealous?" She nodded, he'd grabbed the back of her head and kissed her harshly, Sophia had kissed him back as much until Hermione's cough broke them apart, they were in the common room.

Sophia had then left to see Cedric,

"How are you feeling?" He'd asked, rather tentatively, as they walked through the corridor,

"I'm fine, how are you feeling?" He laughed and shook his head,

"No, we're not going that" she stared back confused, "you always say you're fine because you want to help other people through what they're going through, what's bothering you?" She sighed, Cedric knew her too well. Almost better than she knew herself,

"Fred hates you again" he chuckled,

"I'd guessed, he hasn't told me he wants to kill me yet, but his glares definitely say it" Sophia looked down, almost sorry,

"He just doesn't get that we're just friends" Cedric had taken a second before nodding,

"Although, as your former fake boyfriend. I think I would've been jealous of any guy talking to you" Sophia looked down, she did get jealous when any girl had spoken to Fred, but now that they were dating, she hadn't been jealous in a while.

"But I mean, he knows I've chosen him! I just don't get it" she huffed slightly, Cedric was becoming one of her best friends and she felt incredibly comfortable revealing all this information to him. She obviously talked to Hermione too, but Hermione kept telling her that Cedric had a crush on her, which was clearly not true.

"Well, I don't want to say anything bad about your boyfriend..." he stated, she cast him a smile,

"This is why you're the perfect guy, and any girl would be lucky to have you" she huffed slightly, he chuckled,

"Why thank you" he'd replied, placing his arm around her shoulders, which caused her to laugh. "Soph...." He started, she cast her eyes up to meet his, "I am sorry about the whole water thing though...I really am..." he met her gaze,

"Oh Ced, it's not your fault" she stopped in the corridor, he froze too. Confused. "I'm serious, I don't blame you. I think the only one who truly does is Fred...." Cedric looked down awkwardly,

"Like you should" he looked almost sad,

"Hey! No! Don't say that... Ced it's not your fault. McGonagall and the other teachers chose who goes in, it's not your fault" she grabbed onto his hand, he smiled at her, going slightly red.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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