chapter two

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Their timetables were on their trunks in the morning, as soon as she was awake, Hermione begged Sophia to come find the library with her. Sophia agreed, she really liked Hermione and wanted to become closer with her.

They found the library and it was huge. A plethora of shelves with all kinds of books lay before them, it was bigger than Sophia's library at home, which shocked her greatly.

The librarian, who Sophia learned was called Madam Pince, seemed very annoyed at the fact students were already in the library, Sophia found it funny but Hermione seemed highly offended.

The two only just made it to breakfast in time, Bree and Eileen filled them in on Jazz's complaints that morning. Apparently, they were offended that the 'blonde goddess' Sophia guessed that was her, had 'run off without' them. Sophia chuckled and rolled her eyes, Jazz had always had a crush on her, she knew that. She'd also told them on multiple occasions that it would never happen, they just always seemed to ignore her.

Jazz asked Sophia out for the first time when they were nine years old. Sophia had been on one of her rants about her family and Eileen had joined in the complaints, Jazz however had just been staring. When asked what was wrong, they blurted out they had a crush on her and asked her out. Sophia said no, saying she was 'only nine' and 'didn't like anyone', Jazz had stormed off after that.

The letters arrived via the owls. Sophia gulped as her family's owl dropped a letter in front of her, Eileen and Bree offered her supportive smiles whilst Hermione, sensing the tension, gripped onto her hand.


Your mother and I are incredibly disappointed in you. Gryffindor is not where you should be, you have already disgraced the family name and brought shame upon...

Sophia didn't bother reading the rest, she scrunched it into a ball and dropped it into her cereal.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked, Sophia nodded. She was.

"I knew they'd be disappointed, I wanted to disappoint them" her friends all let out a laugh and breakfast continued.

They had potions first. Sophia loved Snape, he was like an uncle to her. He was Eileen's dad too. So, both of them were excited for the class.

When they entered, he'd smiled at them but ignored the rest of the students. He began firing questions at Harry, who stared at him bewildered. But Hermione's hand remained in the air, then he directed a comment at Hermione. And Sophia's love for the man she considered one of the only good people in her family began to fade,

"Put your hand down you foolish little girl" Sophia could see how hurt Hermione was, and Hermione was her friend. It was at that moment, she decided, she didn't like Severus Snape anymore.

Charms was fun, they'd learnt the floating charm. Hermione got it straight away then helped Sophia get it, eventually she did. Ron seemed annoyed at Hermione, which only pissed Sophia off.

Draco also managed to piss Sophia off several times. One of such events occurred in flying class. Everything had been fine until, Neville had been injured. Neville was quiet and extremely kind, but he never stood up for himself. Draco immediately stole what he'd left behind,

"Oh Draco leave it" she folded her arms, annoyed,

"Lay off it Soph" he snapped, clambering aboard his broom, Sophia rolled her eyes as did Hermione.

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