chapter seventeen

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Sophia spent the first few weeks of her summer getting in trouble for her actions that year. Snape had told her father that he knew she'd helped Sirius escape and she'd gotten punished for that, she also got punished for her many missteps and apparently her parents were pleased she'd dropped her Fred Weasley obsession, they were also rather pleased to hear about her relationship with Cedric, although it had caused debate over his bloodstatus, they had seemed disappointed they'd broken up.

A few weeks into the summer, Narcissa had stormed into Sophia's room carrying a nice dress,

"Put this on and be downstairs in an hour" her mother instructed, Sophia stared back confused,


"Just do it Sophia, I don't want to have to get your father to tell you" and with that her mother walked out. Not feeling like starting a fight that day, Sophia changed into the dress and went downstairs as instructed.

"Ah Sophia dear..." her father smiled, this creeped her out, he placed his arm around her and pulled her closer. "I trust you remember Mr Yaxley" she stared up at a man she'd met on numerous occasions, a death eater. "And his son" Tiberius Yaxley was stood with his father, smirking at her. She looked between them confused, "Tiberius is to be your husband" her eyes widened in shock and horror,

"MY WHAT!" She shouted, folding her arms in anger and shoving her father off of her, her glare fastened.

"Sophia! You are betrothed to Tiberius, the two of you will be married once you are seventeen" Sophia was angry, extremely angry,

"LIKE FUCK I WILL" She screamed and stormed off up the stairs, she heard Yaxley and Tiberius complaining about her and her father profusely apologising. The teenager flopped onto her bed, screaming into her pillow.

There was no way she was marrying Tiberius Yaxley. No fucking way.

Her actions were punished, but she didn't care, there was no way she would ever marry Tiberius Yaxley.

Finally, the Quidditch World Cup arrived. Sophia was over the moon, and couldn't believe she was actually allowed to go,

Once she arrived, she decided to explore the camp ground and see if she could locate her friends,

"You looking for Fred?" She turned to see Cedric standing there smiling, Sophia smiled back at her former fake boyfriend.

"I was actually looking for Hermione" she answered, he laughed slightly and stepped closer to her,

"Isn't she with the Weasley's?" He asked, she nodded and laughed too.

"Yeah well, you know"

"Cedric! There you are!" A middle aged man approached them, Sophia could only guess he was Cedric's father, Amos Diggory. "Ah, who is this..." he asked, smiling upon seeing her.

"Dad, this is my friend Sophia. Sophia this is my dad" he smiled, he then recognised her, his smile fell slightly,

"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Diggory" she smiled, offering her his hand, he shook it in response, smile reappearing,

"It's lovely to meet you too Sophia" the two then had to leave and Sophia was forced to return to her fifth lecture about her behaviour,

Sophia sighed as she walked up the steps at the Quidditch World Cup. Her dad was halfway truth his sixth lecture about her behaviour on this trip, she intended to ignore everything he said.

"Are you listening Sophia?" Her father asked, her gaze shot up.

"Uh-yeah..." she replied, Draco rolled his eyes at her. The teenager groaned as she kept walking up the stairs.

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