chapter twenty two

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As Christmas approached, Sophia noticed that the instances of people asking her to the ball had calmed down, this made her happy.

She'd gone back to the dorms to retrieve a book Hermione had requested she grab, feeling kind, Sophia had done so,

But, when she entered the dorm, she'd found Jazz singing about how they wanted to kiss her, disturbed Sophia attempted to retreat but Jazz had spotted her,

"Oh Sophia! Don't walk away! Can't you see?" Sophia stared back confused, continuing to back away,

"What...." They smiled and walked toward her,

"Oh Sophia... I don't want to be your friend" Sophia stared back confused, she found it hard to even be friends with Jazz, "I want to be your partner and kiss your pretty lips and face, and be with you! So will you go to the ball with me?" Jazz was far too close to her, not even a centimetre away. Extremely uncomfortable, Sophia stepped back,

"No, I'm going with Fred and I don't like you like that, sorry Jazz" she hurriedly grabbed Hermione's book and hurried down the stairs.

But that wasn't the only unwelcome ask she received that week, Sophia and Hermione had been chatting in the corridor, taking a break from walking back from the library as Hermione wanted to check she had all the books she needed,

"Hey Sophia!" She turned to see Tiberius Yaxley walking over, she groaned, she'd almost forgotten he existed,

"What?" She replied coldly, he smirked and stepped toward her, Sophia's hand went to her wand and he stepped back,

"Yule Ball, you and me?" She scoffed, "and I don't care who you've already said yes to, you're going with me" Sophia rolled her eyes

"No" she replied and attempted to move past him, but he didn't allow her,

"Just leave her alone!" Hermione folded her arms,

"I'm talking to my fiancé, this doesn't concern you Mudblood!" Sophia grew red with anger and she punched Tiberius in the face, he stumbled back, "your father said you'd be a handful... I said I was up for the challenge" he smirked, Sophia grew even angrier,

"What's going on?" Fred asked, approaching and standing infront of her, protecting her, Sophia felt herself smile slightly, she didn't need protecting but she liked it.

"Leave Weasel, this is between me and my fiancé" Fred's glare remained on his face, Tiberius Yaxley was taller than Sophia but shorter than Fred. Sophia had told Fred about her stupid engagement and he'd offered to kill Tiberius, she'd laughed and smiled at that.

"She doesn't want to marry you, and if you think she will, then you're as stupid as you look" Fred snapped, Tiberius looked slightly scared, "I suggest you leave her alone"

"You don't scare me Weasel" he cackled, Cedric then came past and had noticed something was wrong,

"What's going on?" He asked, Fred rolled his eyes upon Cedric's arrival,

"None of your concern pretty boy" Tiberius snapped,

"You seem to be bothering my friend here, so I'd say it is my business" now as both Fred and Cedric stood in front of her, protecting her, Tiberius scuttled off. Sophia smiled,

"Thank you" she smiled, "both of you" Cedric offered Fred a smile, which he didn't return, "Freddie..." he looked down at her, she urged him to be nice, Fred then offered Cedric a small smile,

"Yeah no problem Soph... that's that Tiberius guy right?" She'd also told Cedric about the situation, Fred had seemed slightly offended at this,

"Yeah, apparently he hasn't got the hint yet" she rolled her eyes, Fred moved his arm around her, pulling her closer.

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