chapter twenty

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Everyone in the hall looked equally as mortified, no one clapped. Sophia knew Harry hadn't put his name in, she was sat there confused and shocked.

"I didn't put my name in!" Harry expressed,

"We know Harry" she replied, looking straight at him, Dumbledore called out his name once more, and Hermione urged him up. Harry was ushered through a door and he was gone.

"Wonder how he managed it..." Fred asked, looking amazed, Sophia looked over at him.

"He didn't, I don't know what's going on..." Fred laughed slightly and pulled her closer, she looked up at him and he smiled.

"Course he did, who else would've put his name in?" He replied, Sophia didn't have an answer for this, Hermione was already theorising as to how Harry's name ended up in the goblet whereas Ron seemed very jealous. "Blimey, only wish he'd told us! Maybe we could've entered too" Sophia rolled her eyes, "oh come don't give me that" he smiled, leaning closer to her,

They were then all sent up to bed, Sophia didn't like the party in the common room, it felt wrong.

"Come on Goldie, come dance" Fred offered her his hand, and as upset and confused as she was, she couldn't say no, she took his hand and he started spinning her around. A smile crept onto her face as they danced, she never wanted to leave his arms. Her eyes locked onto his and she went a bright shade of red, he leaned in closer to her. Then the portrait hole opened, Sophia turned and saw Harry standing there.

Instantly she rushed forward to hug him,

"I didn't put my name in" he hurriedly told her, she nodded,

"I know" she replied, he breathed a sigh of relief. But no one else believed him, Fred kept questioning Harry about how he did it, only to shut up after being told to by Sophia. They managed to find a quiet spot where Harry told her everything.

"But who would put your name in....?" She questioned, Harry shrugged.

"Someone who wants me dead" Sophia looked down, she really had no idea,

"Well, there's the obvious answer... but it can't be him.... Can it?" Harry shook his head, agreeing that it couldn't,

"Where're Ron and Hermione?"

"Already went to bed, we thought one of us should be up to meet you" she answered, Harry smiled and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Thank you" he replied, and with that they both decided to go to bed,

The next morning, Hermione and Sophia both went to meet Harry and he filled Hermione in on everything that had happened, she had no idea who could have submitted Harry either, but claimed it couldn't have been a student.

They then discussed Ron's jealously, Sophia understood why he was jealous, anyone would but she also understood why Harry was upset.

The Hufflepuffs were incredibly cold toward Harry once lessons restarted, Sophia didn't understand. Why couldn't people just accept he hadn't entered himself?

"Did he really do it then?" Cedric asked her, running up to in the corridor to accompany her to her lesson,

"No! Of course not, he told you as much" she folded her arms, Cedric laughed slightly. She glared up at him,

"Sorry Soph, but it's a little hard to believe, who would put Harry's name in there other than someone he asked?" Sophia didn't have the answer to that, but she knew that Harry didn't either,

"Harry doesn't know who did it, and that's something that needs changing" Cedric sighed and nodded slightly,

"Alright... I'm still not convinced but I'll try and get the badgers to warm up" he smiled, Sophia smiled at him

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