chapter eight

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Sophia was crying uncontrollably now, McGonagall placed a hand on her shoulder before telling her she was going to fetch Harry and Ron. Sophia attempted to pull herself together, but it didn't work very well, there was a mirror in Hermione's hand, Sophia had no idea why.

A few minutes later, Harry and Ron entered they looked shocked and scared, McGonagall told them they had to leave, but privately told Sophia she'd be allowed to return to visit,

When they walked into the common room, she was still crying,

"Goldie.. what hap-" Fred started but Sophia just rushed forward and started crying into his chest, he didn't push her away, just hugged her back slightly and allowed her to keep crying as McGonagall spoke.

Once McGonagall had gone, Sophia had managed to pull herself together somewhat, she'd stopped the floods of tears at least, Fred held onto her for a few extra minutes. Just until she assured him she was okay.

Sophia turned to Harry and Ron,

"What's the plan?" She folded her arms, they looked at her pitiful;

"Soph you don't have to, we can.." Ron started but Sophia interrupted,

"Don't, what's the plan?" Harry told her about their plan to speak to Hagrid, and their method of doing it.

They managed to make it to Hagrids undetected,

Hagrid looked at Sophia, almost sorrowful as he brought them inside,

"Surprised yer holding it together Soph" he commented, Sophia laughed slightly.

"I'm good at faking it" she answered, truthfully. She'd learnt to fake her emotions at the age of four. It came in useful in her family. A loud knock on the door caused them to feel panicked, they hid under the cloak and moved to a corner.

Dumbledore entered, followed by Cornelius Fudge. Ron explained who he was so Sophia didn't have to,

"And he's in my father's pocket" she added, both Harry and Ron's eyes widened.

Fudge began explaining the situation, the ministry was getting bad press so he had to do something, and his idea of something was arresting Hagrid.

Sophia's eyes widened as her father strode in, her mouth went to say something but Harry quickly covered it with his hand. She found herself smiling as Fang growled at her dad.

Hagrid glared at her father, she loved that everyone hated him.

"What're you doin here?" Sophia smiled, she liked seeing her father be shouted it, "get outta my house!"

Her father then insulted Hagrids house before explaining why he was there. All the governors had signed a petition, Dumbledore was no longer headmaster. Sophia's eyes widened in horror,

"Two more this afternoon wasn't it? I believe my daughter's best friend was one of them... I can only imagine how distraught she is" Sophia stared annoyed and shocked, how dare her father use her as an example, she knew he didn't care how upset she was over what happened to he
Hermione. She wanted to throw off the cloak and tell him such, but she didn't.

Even Fudge tried to object, but her father brushed him off too,

"How many of them did yeh threaten or blackmail before they agreed Malfoy?" Hagrid roared, Sophia felt herself smile, he father seemed unfazed,

Her father then made a threatening comment to Hagrid before Dumbledore agreed to step down,

"Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it" Sophia could've sworn Dumbledore looked directly at where they were hidden, her father followed his eyeline and made eye contact with her, only he couldn't see her.

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