chapter twenty three

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The next morning, Sophia had filled Hermione in on all the events of the night,

"Well I think it's fairly obvious who Cedric likes" she stated as they walked down the stairs to the common room,

"And who would that be?" Sophia replied, folding her arms.

"You" Sophia scoffed,

"Don't be silly... we're just friends" Hermione rolled her eyes,

"But it's so obvious Soph! The way he looks at you, that expensive gift, he truly cares for you"

"As a friend" Hermione had groaned,

"He likes you and you're too in love with Fred to see it" Hermione stated as she took her usual seat in the common room, Sophia rolled her eyes and sat next to her,

"Yeah no" Harry and Ron soon joined them and began to tell them all about the conversations they'd overheard the previous night, Sophia didn't think it was that important that Hagrid was half giant, after all she'd suspected it somewhat.

Fred came and sat next to her, kissing her which made Ron gag, before wrapping his arms around her. Sophia thought back to this Cedric nonsense, they were just friends. She knew that, and she was surprised Hermione couldn't see that. Sophia loved Cedric, but as a friend. And she was sure he felt the same way. Either way, Sophia liked Fred. She really liked Fred and liked being in his arms. He made her feel safe and protected.


One day, Hermione had dragged Sophia to the library only to go off with Viktor, annoyed Sophia had gone to leave, but then,

"Hey Soph" Cedric had come up to her, talking in hushed tones due to not wanting to face the wrath of the librarian,

"Oh hey Ced" she smiled, he was leaning against a bookshelf that didn't seem all that sturdy,

"So.... How are you?" He seemed almost nervous to talk to her, which didn't make any sense, they'd been friends for over a year now,

"I'm good, how are you?" She laughed ever so slightly, trying to keep quiet,

"Yeah alright, look listen about the next task...." She shook her head,

"Not taking any information!" She stated, "look you're probably one of my closest friends and you were very good at being my fake boyfriend but Harry's my best friend, I'm rooting for him" Cedric nodded,

"Of course, I consider you one of my closest friends too" he smirked, Sophia smiled back at him, rolling her eyes slightly and ignoring how she went ever so slightly pink, "well..." he started to say something but the shelf he was leaning against gave way and fell to the floor, causing a large crash to echo around the room. Cedric also fell right over, Sophia laughed slightly before trying to help him up,

"Oh are you alright?" She asked, offering him her hand, he was laughing too as he took it,

"Peachy" he answered,

"Malfoy! Diggory! Detention and out!" Pince screamed at them, the two carried on laughing as they left, Cedric not letting go of her hand.

"You're such an idiot" she laughed, he rolled his eyes slightly,

"How was I supposed to know it couldn't support my weight!" Sophia then noticed he still had a grip on her hand,

"Umm Ced" he looked back at her confused, "my hand?"

"Oh sorry" he hurriedly let go, going pink with embarrassment,

"Yeah no worries" she eyed him, slightly suspicious, but then she reminded herself, they were just friends. He'd said so himself not even five minutes ago,

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