chapter twenty one

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They went up to the Owlery that evening to update Sirius on the events of the day, which led to them filling Ron in on everything he'd missed over the last few weeks.

Fred and George had been stealing food for the surprise party,

"The point of a surprise party would be that Harry doesn't know about its existence" Sophia pointed out as they kept walking,

"Yeah well you were worrying about Diggory, that's not sending a good message is it? Conflicting support" Ron huffed, Sophia laughed.

"Because I don't want one of my friends to die?"

"None of us want him to die!" Hermione folded her arms.

"Fred does, been plotting it for months" Ron replied, Sophia smiled slightly,

They entered the common room and were treated to a feast and celebrations,

When the egg opened, a loud screeching could be heard, everyone covered their eyes in shock and horror.

"Shut it!" Fred shouted, still covering his own ears. It sounded like a banshee.

Neville seemed to think that the next task would involve the cruciatus curse, Sophia shivered slightly and Hermione instantly wrapped her arm around her.

"Don't be a prat Neville" Fred shouted and walked over to her, George began saying how it sounded like Percy's singing.

"You alright Goldie?" He whispered, putting his arm around her, she nodded and smiled,

"Yeah, perfectly fine" she replied, he didn't seem to believe her and kept his arm around her,

"Anyway, jam tart ladies?" Fred offered them the plate which the treats lay on, Hermione looked back at him, distrustful. "Oh relax, you think I'd offer Goldie something that was hexed?" This calmed Hermione and both Sophia and her took a tart, "besides it was the custard creams we hexed" Neville hurriedly spat some out from across the room, "only a little joke Neville!" Fred called back,

Hermione and Fred then started discussing how to reach the kitchens, a slight squawking caused Sophia to turn her head, Neville had turned into a canary.

"Oh it was the custard creams we hexed!" Fred called out, the whole common room burst out laughing, Neville quickly turned into himself again, "canary creams!" Fred called out and announced how much they were selling them for, Sophia smiled and rested her head on his chest. She could've sworn Fred blushed at this,

After spending a few hours with Fred, she turned in for bed around one.

The weather grew worse as December started, and Rita Skeeter had invaded their Care of Magical Creatures lesson,

After divination, Hermione had run off somewhere and none of them knew where she was. Then she ran over, trying to drag Sophia and Harry with her,

"Oh come on! You both need to come see!"

Once they reached the kitchen, Dobby stood there smiling.

"Dobby!" Sophia smiled broadly, the elf hurried over to her and Harry, a smile on his face. Winky worked there too apparently, they'd only been working at Hogwarts for a week. Dobby was happy to be free but Winky wasn't.

The Yule Ball announcement caused joy and annoyance for Sophia,

McGonagalls explanation had made her extremely excited, it would be the perfect occasion to finally have a date with Fred, plus, she understood balls better than anyone, having been to so many,

But McGonagall also had to reach them how to dance. Sophia didn't understand why she had to attend the session, she'd been able to ballroom dance since she was four years old. One of the few perks of being raised in a 'Noble Pureblood Family' who hosted balls and parties galore.

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