chapter thirteen

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They stood by Harry's bed, everyone talking, then Harry's eyes snapped open,

"Harry!" Fred exclaimed from next to her, Sophia could feel his breath on her cheek, that made go red, "How're you feeling?"

"What happened?" He asked, Sophia looked down,

"You fell off, luckily Goldie caught you" Fred put his arm around her and pulled her closer, which only increased the amount of mud she was covered in, but it also made her turn scarlet,

"Thanks Soph" Harry smiled, she smiled back at him, now comfortable in Fred's embrace.

"Anytime, but don't do it again" he laughed, then they had to tell Harry they lost, they then tried to explain how they could still win the championship, but it would be difficult. After a while, most of the team was kicked out but Sophia had been allowed to stay. They then had to explain to Harry what happened to his broomstick.

Over the next few days, they spent all their time with Harry, not leaving his side. Except at night, and for the fifth year party,

Hermione was still reluctant to go, but after another round of begging from Sophia she agreed. Sophia wore a nice top and jeans and Hermione just wore a jumper and jeans as they left the dorm, Jazz had been staring at Sophia as she left.

"Took you long enough, come on" Bree smirked as they led them out the common room, the trio snuck off through the corridors until they came across a passage,

"Where exactly is this party?" Hermione asked as they walked down a stone passage, lit by torches.

"Underneath the Three Broomsticks" Bree answered, Hermione's eyes widened,

"We're leaving Hogwarts! Oh Soph, we can't"

"We're already out of Hogwarts" Bree smirked, Hermione went pale and Sophia pulled her along, assuring her it would be okay. "Once you leave the party, you can't go back in, it's to stop anyone bringing a teacher over" Bree explained, Sophia took a deep breath and the three walked in.

There were people from every house happily talking as they walked through, drinks were being shared and she could tell many people had drank too much, Bree wished them luck and ran off to find George,

"Okay, so we find Fred, then what's the plan?" Hermione asked, Sophia shrugged.

"I didn't plan past getting here...." Hermione rolled her eyes and they kept walking,

"Hey! Sophia!" They both froze as they heard her name being called, Cedric Diggory was running up to them. Confused, Sophia smiled back.

"Oh hey Cedric" she replied, folding her arms slightly, he did look very attractive.

"How'd you get in here, not that I'm unhappy you're here" she laughed slightly, clearly sensing the flirting,

"I have my ways" she smirked, it was fun to mess with people sometimes,

"Amazing flying by the way, and amazing broom... that's a firebolt right?" Sophia nodded,

"Thanks and yeah, you weren't too bad yourself" his smile grew,

"I was thinking, maybe we could hang out sometime..." Sophia had to cut it off there,

"I think Oliver would throw me off the team for even talking to you" she replied, he laughed and nodded before walking off.

"I don't think Wood would care that much, you've already played Hufflepuff" Hermione expressed as they continued their search for Fred,

"I know, but Cedric is too god damn perfect I needed an excuse to reject him" Hermione laughed and nodded, eventually they found Fred, but she wished they didn't find him,

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