chapter twelve

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Only Draco appeared to have a problem with Professor Lupin, everyone else loved him. Bree kept going around and shouting, 'that's my moomy!' To anyone who spoke well or ill of him.

Snape made their lives hell in potions, he truly despised Lupin. Sophia thought Eileen's actions lately were worsening Snapes mood. She'd become reckless, constantly disrupting lessons and making out with a new person everytime Sophia saw her.

Divination consisted of Trelawney predicting Harry's death every lesson and Lavender Brown acting like she was god. Sophia did not like Lavender Brown. Although, Sophia had found she could make everything up in Divination and Trelawney approved of her work.

Care of Magical Creatures became boring, with the threat of her father looming over Hagrids head, they'd begun looking after and studying, Flobberworms.

However, one Thursday evening of early October, the first Quidditch meeting of the season was called, and Sophia was over the moon.

Oliver sounded desperate as he began explaining the situation,

"This is our last chance- my last chance - to win the Quidditch cup" he explained, striding along the room before them, "I'll never have another shot. We haven't won in seven years, but we can this year" he stopped moving and looked at them, he then began bragging about how great they all were. Sophia looked at her fellow chasers. Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. After complimenting them all, he went back to pacing. "This is the last year..."

"It's our year Oliver" Fred smiled,

"We'll do it Oliver!" Added Angelina,

"Definitely" Sophia and Harry spoke in unison,

They trained three evenings a week, but even as the weather grew older and darker and wetter, Sophia was determined to keep going. She also appreciated the fact she got to stare at Fred for many more hours via these practices.

After one of the training sessions, Sophia found out about a Hogsmeade weekend, she was incredibly excited to go. Although, she felt bad Harry couldn't go.

On Halloween, Sophia set off for Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione, feeling bad about leaving Harry behind.

Hermione and Ron had started bickering about something else by the time they reached the village, annoyed Sophia was walking slightly behind them when she felt a hand cover her mouth and someone yank her into an alleyway, she was about to let out a scream, then she saw her uncle standing there,

"Uncle Sirius!" She smiled and rushed forward to hug him, he laughed slightly and hugged her back,

"Hey Sophie" Sirius was the only person who called her Sophie, no one else was allowed to.

"You can't be here! You could get caught! They already think you're trying to kill Harry... what's with that anyway?"

"Woah, one thing at a time kiddo. I had to give you this" he handed her a mirror, it was gold and cracked. "It's a two way mirror, you can talk to the person who owns the other half" Sophia smiled slightly, "though that's only for emergencies" Sophia nodded,

"Okay but why does everyone think you want to kill Harry?" Sirius began to laugh, a crazy person laugh, it creeped Sophia out.

"Soph?" She heard Hermione call, hurriedly she hid the mirror in her bag and watched as Sirius turned into a dog, "what are you doing?"

"I like dogs" she said and stroked Sirius' head before walking off.

They visited all kinds of shops in Hogsmeade, making sure to gather lots of sweets and goodies for Harry.

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