chapter three

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Sophia spent the holidays getting to know Hermione's family and genuinely feeling happy during the holidays for the first time in years. At her house, Christmas consisted of expensive gifts but also of former death eaters swarming the house, which led to an outburst from Sophia, which led to Sophia being confined to her room and Roxie and Leo deciding to join her instead of be without her. Sophia felt bad about leaving Roxie and Leo at the manor for the holidays but she was eleven, and needed to prioritise her wellbeing.

Christmas with the Grangers was very different. Christmas Eve was spent watching films and drinking hot chocolate. They watched something called home alone that came out the year before. Sophia found it hilarious.

In the morning, they each got to open one present. Sophia had written to her parents about where she was spending Christmas, luckily her mother had found the letter and sent all the gifts to the Grangers, making which ones were magical and which weren't. Luckily, most weren't magical so Sophia could open them during the festivities.

Then they all got served Mrs Grangers Christmas concoction, Sophia wasn't sure what it was but it was delicious. Breakfast was then served, before Sophia and Hermione began helping with lunch. Before long, the rest of Hermione's family arrived and Sophia was introduced to them as 'Hermione's best friend'. One of Hermione's cousin made a joke about her being Hermione's only friend, which was no longer true.

The lunch was delicious and Sophia thought it was the best Christmas dinner she'd ever eaten, the one the House Elves whipped up each year didn't compare.

They pulled Christmas crackers between courses, they ended up with flimsy paper crowns and jokes.

That afternoon, they opened the rest of their presents. Sophia loved all of hers, all in all, Sophia thought it was the best Christmas yet.

A few days later, Hermione's parents hosted the party for the wider family. Sophia spent the day getting to know Hermione's cousins and truly enjoyed herself.

All too soon, they were returning to Hogwarts. With Sophia, was a new outlook and a new family.

Harry and Ron filled them in on the many things that happened over the Christmas break, Harry had received an invisibility cloak and found the mirror of erised.

After a few weeks of term, Hagrid had introduced them to his baby dragon. Norbert. Whilst he was cute, Sophia wasn't sure about the name. But, she didn't want to upset Hagrid so she didn't say anything. Ron was bitten by him and ended up in the Hospital Wing, so it was up to Sophia, Harry, and Hermione to help get Norbert to Charlie, Dora (Sophia's cousin) and their friends.

"Should've known you'd be involved in this you little troublemaker" Dora smiled and hugged Sophia close,

"Just trying to be like you" she replied, Dora laughed. Their hair was bright pink today.

A short while later, they'd gotten Norbert safely into the night and were heading back to the common room, but unluckily, they were caught by Filch. They were led straight to McGonagall, Filch muttering about the horrible punishments that he missed.

Hermione sat trembling as they waited for her to approach, Sophia looked around bored. At least if McGonagall wrote home it would piss her parents off, that was a good thing.

McGonagall strode in, dragging Neville with her. Sophia felt guilty instantly. She was very annoyed,

She began to chastise them for their actions, questioning their motives. They all remained silent. She came to the conclusion that it was a failed prank against her brother, she wished that was the case.

"All three of you will receive detentions" Sophia didn't really care about that part, it was the next part that shocked her, "fifty points each will be taken" gasps of shock and horror came from all of them,

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