chapter seven

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Sophia made the decision to confront Fred right away. She found him in the common room and straight away walked over to him.

"Hey Goldie, you okay? Heard you found that Hufflepuff kid..." he attempted to offer her a small smile,

"Why'd you tell Peeves to be nice to me?" Fred's eyes widened and he went slightly red, he rubbed the back of his head,

"Because he told me I could pick one person he'd be Peeves nice to, I picked you because George and Lee already get some kind of special treatment from him so does Emmy, and because I like you. You're nice and a badass" she laughed slightly and found her cheeks going red. Emmy was Emberlynn Black. One of Sophia's many cousins, she was a Slytherin and lived with the Weasley's

"But..." she started,

"Because I like you" he poked her nose before walking off to Lee and George, Hermione then ran over and engulfed Sophia in a tight hug.

Sophia found Fred and George's parades for Harry quite funny, they annoyed her brother so that was an added bonus.

Before the term ended, Sophia was approached by Leo in the corridor.

"Soph... I'm scared" she looked at her brother confused and pulled him over to the side,

"Why what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.

"What if the monster attacks me!" Sophia sighed and cupped her brothers face,

"It won't I promise, it's only attacking muggleborns" Leo looked down, still scared.

"But Draco said it would attack me because I'm weak! Celestia agreed!" Sophia's eyes widened in anger, but she once again assured Leo he'd be okay before going to find her older siblings. She found Draco first.

"Draco!" She screamed, his eyes widened at her,

"What?" He folded his arms, she marched straight up to him and slapped him across the face, "what was that for!"

"What you did to Leo" she turned on her heel and went to find Celestia, apparently all the fourth years were in one of larger classrooms waiting for a talk, Sophia marched in and headed for Celestia when she felt strong arms around her waist carrying her out the room.

"Hey! What!" She called, Fred placed her down on the floor once they were in the corridor.

"Today is not the day to do something stupid... as much as I'd like to see it" Fred sighed, she rolled her eyes and folded her arms,

"But she was horrible to Leo!" Fred looked back at her confused,

"Leo?" Sophia rolled her eyes and Fred sighed,

"My younger brother" he nodded, she could see the recognition in his eyes, if it was Ginny he'd be reacting in the same way.

"Alright... me and George will do a prank on her, how bad was what she did?" Sophia explained the situation to him and he nodded, "okay so a real good prank then" Sophia smiled,

"Thank you Fred" he nodded, without thinking Sophia moved forward and hugged him, he laughed and hugged her back,

"It's alright, I like you Goldie. You're my favourite second year" George began mocking them from behind, Sophia flushed red and Fred rolled his eyes before walking off back to the room clearly explaining the situation to George, who smiled and nodded.

A day later, Sophia saw the prank unfold, they were in the great hall when a package arrived for Celestia. Fred winked at her and Sophia knew this was the prank, Hermione looked over with curiosity.

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