chapter sixteen

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It was horrible, Sophia bit back tears as she watched the gruesome sight.

Then scabbers ran away and the group all chased after Ron, who was chasing him and Crookshanks.

Once they'd finally caught up, a huge black dog jumped out for nowhere. Sophia recognised him instantly, Sirius. She jumped on Harry to push him out the way, he grabbed onto Ron's arm and then his leg and dragged him off,

Roxie screamed in fear at the sight,

Once they'd finally gotten past the Whomping Willow, they made into a wooden corridor, it looked desolate. Sophia had told Roxie to back to the castle, but she'd refused and come with them. Eventually, they found Ron.

"He's the dog! He's an animagus!" Sophia instantly knew what Ron was talking about, she turned and stepped in front of her friends, not knowing whether she could trust the man before her. But her emotional side got the best of her and she ran to hug him, Sirius chuckled before hugging her back.

"Good to see you too Sophie" he replied, Hermione then grabbed Sophia and yanked her back,

"Not the time to be questioning this" she hissed, folding her arms. Sophia rolled her eyes and resumed the angry stance she'd had the moment before, Roxie hiding behind her.

Sirius then started talking about how only one of them would die that night,

"You sound mental" Sophia commented and he simply chuckled at her words,

The altercation injured them all, Sophia scrambled to make sure Roxie was safe before trying to help.

They heard footsteps underneath them, and Hermione yelled that they were there and that Sirius was too

Lupin came in, they all breathed a sigh of relief which disappeared when Lupin disarmed Harry.

Lupin began to ask Sirius all sorts of questions, which led to Hermione revealing he was a werewolf, Harry and Ron stared at her in shock, Sophia already aware of this was trying to figure what was happening. Sirius was an animagus he was friends with Lupin who was werewolf. They were friends with Harry's dad and Peter Pettigrew. What if Harry's dad and Peter were animagi too? But how did that... her eyes cast over to Scabbers. Holy shit.

Then the situation was explained. Sophia found out she was right. The rat was Peter Pettigrew. Sirius then explained how he'd meant to kill Pettigrew but had failed, then he tried to kill him once more,

Lupin convinced him to tell them the truth first, and Sophia desperately wanted the bits she was missing to be filled in,

A lot of it didn't make sense, but when she looked at Sirius she could tell he wasn't lying. And that he'd never lied to her, she felt instantly guilty for thinking he had.

Lupin told them the story of how he became a werewolf and how he'd used to transform in the shrieking shack, and how as Sophia suspected, his friends became Animagi. Lupin then began explaining how he felt guilty about not revealing that Sirius was an Animagus. Sophia had suffered the same thing that year too, she didn't know whether she should've told or not.

As they were told about the prank, Snape appeared, walking into the shack. Roxie whimpered in fear, and Sophia felt her eyes widen.

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