chapter six

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Filch came running around the corner, asking about what happened. He then began to threaten Harry, Sophia and Hermione watched in shock. Then Dumbledore came around the corner, he ordered the group of friends to follow him.

Sophia watched awkwardly as the Professors all talked, Lockhart was shooting out a load of nonsense.

It was eventually revealed that Mrs Norris had been petrified, but no one knew by what. Filch began firing accusations at Harry,

"Perhaps Potter, Sophia and their friends were just in the wrong place at the wrong time" Snape suggested, they all looked at him confused, why would he have all people be helping them?

After explaining that they were at Nearly Headless Nicks party, and answering a few more questions, they were allowed to leave.

They snuck into an empty classroom to discuss everything that had just taken place, before they returned to bed.

The next week was spent with most people only discussing the attack, Hermione had been reading and had been ignoring Sophia, which she kept apologising for, so Sophia discussed with Eileen what it could mean.

Ron and Sophia were both attempting to get an essay done, Sophia had been copying most of it from Hermione whilst the latter slept but Hermione had caught on and hidden it better.

"If we read each others, maybe we can find stuff we missed?" Ron suggested, Sophia hurriedly nodded and the two began copying one another's work, much to Hermione's dismay.

Apparently, there were no copies of Hogwarts; A History left, everyone wanted to know about the Chamber of Secrets.

They found out in their next lesson. After some probing from Hermione, Professor Binns began to tell them the legend, the story about the founders Sophia knew, she'd heard that, but the words on Salazar Slytherin were what everyone wanted,

"Slytherin had built a secret chamber in the school, unbeknownst to the other founders, legend has it he sealed it so no one could open it until his true heir arrived at Hogwarts. This heir would unseal the chamber and unleash the horror within and use it to purge the chill of all those Slytherin deemed unworthy to study magic" the whole class sat in silence, eyes wide. Apparently the horror was a monster, questions from all students perked up. But Sophia remained silent, she had heard of the Chamber before. Her father had spoken about it, said he'd gone searching for it. Although he'd never found it,

As they walked, Sophia and Ron both complained about Salazar Slytherin. Apparently, people thought Harry was the Heir of Slytherin, that gave Sophia a good laugh as they climbed the stairs. They ended up deciding to investigate the corridor, they might as well see what they could find out. A trail of spiders were marching outside, turns out Ron was afraid of spiders.

They deducted that the water had come from Myrtles bathroom. After a very Myrtle confrontation, they were back in the corridor,

Percy then approached them and began chastising them, Sophia zoned out and started thinking about Fred as she walked.

They later began to discuss who could be the heir of Slytherin, they thought her brother was a likely candidate,

"The whole family's been in Slytherin! Until Soph that is" Sophia nodded,

"He is right.... Although I feel my father may have done more bragging if we were related to Salazar Slytherin. Then again, he never liked me so it's perfectly plausible he just never told me" she shrugged,

"See, they could've had the key for centuries. And just never told Soph about it" Sophia didn't deny it was likely that her family would keep that information from her, especially since she'd been rebelling against them her entire life.

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