chapter nineteen

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Fred kept up the act of giving her roses after lessons, most of the Professors found it to be sweet but Snape hated it,

"She doesn't need to receive flowers after every lesson Weasley, I don't believe she requires that much proof of your love" Snape seethed, Fred had gone to make a comment but didn't after Sophia shook her head,


"Soph!" Hermione shouted, shaking the blonde awake, she groaned and rolled over.

"Five more minutes..." she whispered, she screamed as she felt her best friend shove her out the bed. "Hey!"

"You're going to make us late! Even Eileen's up before you" Hermione folded her arms in annoyance. Sophia groaned again from the floor, looking up at her best friend. Hermione yanked her off the floor and then proceeded to throw her uniform at her. "Come on!"

"You're just going to watch me change?" Sophia folded her arms.

"You've lost your right to privacy by being this late, besides it's Jazz who's in love with you not me" Sophia sighed and nodded.

"Yes, yes. I know" she mumbled and hurriedly put her uniform on.

"Now come on!" Hermione proceeded to drag her out the dorms, out the common room and toward the defence against the dark arts classroom. They were the first ones there.

"Morning sleepyhead" Harry smirked as he sat on her other side upon his arrival at the classroom,

"Don't" she warned, burying her head in her arms on the desk, "I'm still asleep" Harry and Ron laughed from next to her and Hermione whacked her arm, forcing her to sit up. Hermione then proceeded to shove her textbook infront of her. "Huh, I was wondering where that had gotten to"

"I carry all your books because you'd either forget them or lose them" Hermione snapped, already reading ahead.

"This why I love you" she rested her head on Hermiones shoulder, the brunette offered her a small smile in return.

"You can put those away" Moody commanded, pointing at their textbooks. "You won't need them" Sophia and Ron shared an excited smile as they went to pack their books away.

Moody went on about he was only staying for a year which sent a shockwave through the class before the topic of illegal curses came up.

"The imperius curse?" Ron said, Sophia felt her eyes widen slightly. The curse her father had used to escape imprisonment, the one she'd been learning how to fight just incase her father decided to use it on her so she followed his ideals. Moody gave a demonstration which everyone but Sophia laughed at, she tried to ignore it. She could tell this lesson wouldn't be anything but awful for her. Moody had asked for another curse.

"Cruciatus curse..." Neville had said in no more than a whisper, her eyes widened even more. It was illegal? She knew it was horrible, but illegal? Moody enlarged the spider before casting it on him. Sophia felt her eyes widen in horror, tears welled in her eyes and Hermione gripped onto her hand tightly. She could mask her emotions, but the sudden nature of this event was leaving her incapable of doing so. Nausea rose in her stomach.

"Stop it!" Hermione shouted, Harry turned his gaze to Neville, then her. He grabbed onto her other hand as the curse stopped. Finally, after Hermione's next answer, he demonstrated the killing curse.

Sophia had zoned out, Hermione had let go of her hand but Harry still held on, she could tell he was hurting. He was learning how his parents had died, she didn't know how he was still able to be here. If she was learning about how Sirius 'died', if he was dead that is, she would've ran out.

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