chapter four

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The Philosophers stone. Apparently it turned any metal into gold or something dumb like that, and they had no idea why it was in a school.

They went to talk to Hagrid, surely he'd tell them something.

Hagrid revealed that the dog belonged to him, and that it was called Fluffy. He also told them that there were many stages of protection charms around the stone, so no one would be able to reach it. He'd then told them to go back to lessons and not tell anyone what he'd 'accidentally' revealed.

They spent weeks trying to figure out the truth but nothing came to mind, and before long, they were revising for their end of year exams. Well, Hermione revised and chastised the others for not revising.

But, then it hit them, Snapes injury, him threatening Quirrell. If all made sense. Snape was trying to steal the stone. And they had to stop him, but who could they talk to?
Dumbledore. They rushed to find McGonagall, they'd know where he was.

"We need to speak to Professor Dumbledore!" Harry had practically shouted,

"And why would that be?" McGonagall questioned,

"We think someone is going to steal the Philosophers stone!" Harry continued, McGonagalls eyes widened in shock as she dismissed them and told them Dumbledore had left on business.

"It's down to us then" Harry sighed, and so they made the plan, they were going to get the stone themselves, tonight.

They all wore jumpers and jeans to go, not wanting to be hindered by uniforms, they'd hide under the invisibility cloak as long as they could. The letter telling Dumbledore their plan was sent, now all they had to do was complete their task and not get caught, easy.

It took stunning Neville to get out of the common room,

When they reached Fluffy, he was already asleep. They jumped through the hatch just as he woke up,

The devils snare didn't phase them for long, Hermione had momentarily forgotten she was a witch but other than that, it was fine.

They had to make it through several tasks. Harry took the keys. Ron the chess. Hermione the potions. It was only Sophia and Harry now, Ron was injured during chess and Hermione had gone back to look after him.

They came into an empty room, as they entered it began to contract, screams echoed and the walls began to show people laughing. Fear consumed them, then Sophia remembered. Her father had taught her about this,

"There is a shrinking room at Hogwarts. Perfect for disposing of enemies in, Salazar Slytherin created it. There is only one way to escape it. The incantation 'Exferito Lemolum' that will cause the room to revert back to normal until the next person enters"

Smiling Sophia screamed the incantation into the air, and the room grew in size, Harry adjusted his glasses before smiling, Sophia cast a glance back. She couldn't leave Ron and Hermione but she couldn't...

"You go back with them, I know the spell now. Besides, Hermione can't carry Ron alone" smiling slightly she threw her arms around Harry's neck and hugged him,

"You can do this Harry. You're a great wizard" and with that she returned to help her friends, finding it lucky she remembered which potion was safe to drink.

As her and Hermione helped Ron out the maze of traps, they ran into Dumbledore, who assured them he'd take care of Harry and also apparated them, somehow, to the Hospital Wing.

Turned out, Voldemort had been living on the back of Quirells head and it wasn't Snape to blame. It took a good week for Harry to get out the Hospital Wing, but when he did they were all treated to a marvellous end of term feast.

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