chapter eleven

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That evening, they decided to visit Hagrid. He was distraught, Sophia had tried to explain that her brother was an idiot and that the blame lied solely on him, to which Ron and Harry agreed. This earned them a bone crushing hug, and Hermione to lecture Hagrid about drinking. They were then forced back to the castle.

Draco didn't return to lessons until Thursday, Sophia thought he was a wuss. He'd been overselling the injury for far too long. She had visited him earlier in the week and decided he was fine. He really annoyed her that lesson, he couldn't do anything himself. Snape made Sophia's friends do all of his tasks for him, he then began to tease them about Hagrid.

"Shut it" she seethed but her brother kept talking,

As Draco bragged about their fathers influence she couldn't help but scoff,

"By influence, what Draco means is that he pays everyone off" Harry and Ron laughed at this, but then Draco continued talking, and they all grew angry, he wanted to get Hagrid sacked.

Apparently Sirius had been sighted, Sophia hurriedly turned and listened to Seamus. Apparently, he was nearby. Sophia had to hide her happiness, her brother then made some comments that confused all of them.

They all began chatting as they left the lesson, Hermione disappeared, Sophia chuckled. Clearly she hadn't returned to the exact right time.

Lupin wasn't there when they arrived in Defence Against the Dark Arts. When he did enter, he told them they wouldn't need books as it was a practical lesson which made Sophia smile broadly. Lupin then led them off through the corridor, Sophia excitedly shared theories with Hermione about they'd face.

Lupin sent a wad of chewing gum flying at Peeves which caused them all to laugh,

They were then directed into the staffroom, Snape then left but not before insulting Neville, hermione answered Lupins questions easily, apparently they'd be facing a Boggart, it was a creature that turned into your worst fears. Sophia didn't know what her worst fear was. He then taught them the incantation to banish one, they needed to make it funny.


They repeated the incantation, the everyone began taking turns in facing the boggart. Neville's was Snape before it turned into Snape wearing Neville's grandmother's clothes. The whole class burst out laughing. Seamus turned from a banshee to a rat. Everyone's fears were relatively normal until Jazz went.

Sophia saw her own body lying dead on the floor, her eyes widened and everyone turned to look at her, Harry, Ron and Hermione looked away from the scene and tried to distract her. There was a knife in her chest and blood was oozing out of it. She didn't know what to do, a sense of sadness and fear rushed through her. Her own voice echoed around the room chanting about how it was Jazz's fault, Lupin was about to step in, Jazz shouted the counter curse and she watched a clone of herself kissing Jazz's cheek. That also made her uncomfortable.

"And next..." Lupin announced, trying to brush off the air of awkwardness in the room.

"Are you alright?" Hermione whispered, Sophia shook her head but smiled anyway, she would think about how this had scarred her later.

A few turns later, it was Sophia's go. She watched a clone of herself appear in front of her, but she was wearing Slytherin robes and smirking. Immediately she knew what it was, her biggest fear was if she turned out like her parents wanted her to. Instantly, she shouted,

"Ridikulus!" And she watched as she turned into a selection of ballon's floating around and popping in mid air,

Ron also had a go, his fear being spiders. Next, it was Harry's go. But, Lupin dived infront of Harry. A silver orb hung infront of him before it turned into a balloon and flew around the room.

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