chapter fifteen

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They had more Quidditch practices over the next few weeks, Sophia enjoyed this time, even if they did take up most of her schedule. Her free time was spent doing homework, helping Hermione with Hagrid's defence for BuckBeak and spending time with Cedric, they had to make sure people still bought their fake relationship. Sophia enjoyed spending time with Cedric, she thought he was a great person. And they were friends, and they were growing closer each time they hung out. Sophia also didn't mind kissing him, he was good at kissing.

Eventually, Harry had his Firebolt returned, Sophia thought this might reunite their friend group, but Crookshanks had done something to Scabbers which caused Ron to throw a fit at Hermione. Which in turn caused Hermione to be mad at Ron, and eventually Harry. So Sophia was supposed to be mad at Ron and Harry. She was only actually mad at Ron.

Sophia had gone to find Cedric, she wanted to complain about the entire situation to someone who was relatively unbiased,

"What troubles have befallen the core four?" He asked as they sat in a stone windowsill. She stared back confused,

"Core four?" He nodded,

"Yeah it's what everyone calls you and your friends. Whenever something happens it's always you four at the centre of it" she sighed in realisation, that was true. After explaining the situation to Cedric he'd said that,

"Hermione was right for wanting to get the firebolt checked and cats eat rats, it just what they do. Ron has every right to be upset but he shouldn't be taking it out on Hermione"

"You're so perfect" she smiled, she could've sworn he went slightly pink,

"Thanks my love" he often called her 'my love', she rather liked that.

At their next Quidditch Practice, Harry and Sophia were finally able to talk without feeling like they were breaking any kind of rules. With them both on firebolts, Oliver was sure they'd win.

At breakfast the next morning, Oliver had decided that the two owners of firebolts deserved a guard of honour. Draco looked even more annoyed, which made Sophia happy. Cedric came over and sat with Sophia, complimenting Harry about his firebolt. He then wished Sophia luck and told her he'd be rooting for her before kissing her and leaving, Sophia knew however that he secretly wanted Cho Chang to do as well as she could, seeing as he had a crush on her.

"I still don't know when you got over my brother" Ron rolled his eyes, clearly already sick of the relationship, these were the first words he'd spoken to her since the Crookshanks incident,

"Who says I did" Sophia replied and ate some food, the boys stared at her shocked, they were about to say something but then her brother approached and started his usual chain of insults,

As the game started, Sophia couldn't help but smile at Lee Jordan's commentary,

"And Sophia has possession of the Quaffle, the only Malfoy to ever be a good person...."

"Jordan!" McGonagall called out,

"Just stating facts, and she shoots and she scores!" Sophia then began to try and get another goal with the help of her fellow chasers, she couldn't help but notice that Harry kept staring at Cho. She intended to tease him later. Her head turned just in time to see Fred hitting away a Bludger that was aiming for her face, he winked at her and she fought back a blush before continuing the game.

Harry shot some silvery thing at the dementors and then caught the snitch, Sophia smiled broadly and rushed over to hug him. During the group hug, Sophia had found that Fred's arm remained around her for slightly longer that a friend's arm would, she'd turned to look at him and he'd smiled before landing his broom.

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