chapter ten

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The next morning, Mrs Weasley was telling Sophia, Hermione and Ginny stories about when she'd made a love potion, Sophia was attempting to remember all of the information, just in case. They were going back to school today and Sophia couldn't have been more excited,

They heard Mr Weasley announce the arrival of the cars and made their way outside,

The journey to the station felt fairly ordinary, although Harry seemed impressed by the capabilities of the cars to travel through small gaps.

Sophia and Hermione travelled through the barrier together, both smiling once they saw the Hogwarts express glistening. They all made their way to the back of the train, Sophia attempted to spot her siblings but couldn't, so she just stayed with her friends,

Mrs Weasley kissed all of them goodbye as they clambered into the train,

Once Harry joined them, he told them there were things they needed to talk about in private, the group all clambered along the train until they found a compartment which only had a sleeping man in it,

"Who do you reckon he is?" Ron asked,

"Professor R.J Lupin" Hermione answered, they all stared back at her shocked,

"How'd you know that?"

"It's on his case" Hermione pointed up at the case, they deduced he was teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts, Sophia thought there was something familiar about him, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Harry began to tell them everything, when Bree walked in,

"Hello everyone.... You can keep talking, I'll put headphones in" they rolled their eyes "oh and Roxie was looking for you, you should find her when we get there" Bree added and stuck some headphones into their Walkman whilst the group continued their conversation, Sophia made a mental note to find her sister later on,

Sophia didn't know what to think, she knew Sirius had broken out, but why would he break out to go after Harry? It made no sense, especially because he was innocent.... he had to be innocent, Sophia told herself. Otherwise her entire life was a lie and Sirius was just another person in her family who tried to manipulate her, she didn't want that to be true. Sophia looked down uncomfortably as the topic of Sirius's escape came up, she thought she knew how he did it but she didn't dare say.

Then, a faint whistling started,

"What's that?" Sophia questioned, looking around the compartment. Ron pulled out a sneakascope. They decided to place it back into the trunk to avoid waking up Lupin. They then began to discuss Hogsmeade.

Harry then told them that he didn't get his permission form for Hogsmwade signed, Sophia gasped. They then tried to come up with a plan to sneak Harry out the castle, but Hermione shut down every idea.

"He is Soph's uncle or something ain't he?" Ron suggested, hoping that Sophia's presence may deter him. Although, Sophia thought Sirius was all the more likely to show up if she was present,

"I mean yeah..."

"But Sophia's family hate her! No offence" Hermione added, Sophia laughed slightly.

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