chapter five

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Sophia had been forced to attend her parents lecture, Celestia had found her on the platform and dragged her to it. Although, Sophia had walked off halfway through, only returning to drag Leo and Roxie off too

Sophia sat with several of her friends, but her and Hermione both questioned where Harry and Ron were. They knew then would be with them if they were on the train, so they were both worried.

When they reached Hogwarts, there was still no sign of either of them. Sophia and instructed Leo to just ask the hat to not be in Slytherin, he'd looked scared but nodded.

Sophia didn't pay much attention to the sorting, she was trying to figure out where Harry and Ron were.

"Malfoy, Leo!" This caught Sophia's attention, she looked up and offered her younger brother a supportive smile. Leo looked terrified as he hurried up to the chair and sat down,

"Ravenclaw!" The hat called, Leo flinched but Sophia tried to relieve his stress by getting her friends to all cheer and clap with her. It didn't work. Ginny was also sorted into Gryffindor.

Lockhart was introduced as a new teacher, this made Sophia bury her head in her arms in annoyance but caused Hermione to squeal with delight.

They sat in the common room that night discussing where Harry and Ron could be, then they walked in through the door. Sophia hurried over to hug them, Harry happily hugged her back but Ron's hug was more reluctant.

Sophia was impressed with their antics but Hermione was annoyed, however, Harry still told her about Dobby.

"Dobby?" She questioned,

"Yeah I meant to check with you in the summer, is he your family's house elf?" She nodded,

"Yeah one of them....hes so sweet, he would never do something like that without a reason...." She sighed, they all looked confused.

"Well we can just hope nothing bad happens this year then" Ron commented,

The next morning Sophia watched as the post arrived, and the red envelope fell infront of Ron,

"I'd just get it over with Ron, you know it will only get worse" she sighed, she could tell he knew she was right. As he went to do it, both Sophia and Neville covered their ears. Sophia had never received a howler, her parents wouldn't dare air their dirty laundry to the world. Mrs Weasley began screaming about how irresponsible Harry and Ron were for stealing the car. Before long, it ended and the chatter once again filled the fall.

After breakfast, they set off for the Greenhouses, they had Herbology first. The greenhouses were huge and had an array of countless plants. However, Lockhart was there. He had been apparently been teaching Professor Sprout do her job.

Sophia found the lesson very boring. Transfiguration was boring too, and she was dreading Defence Against the Dark Arts. Sophia joined in the argument with her brother, he was an arsehole.

Lockhart started listing his accomplishments which nearly caused Sophia to fall asleep before the test paper was slipped in front of her, they were all questions about him. She groaned and began to copy down Hermione's answers, Hermione glared but allowed her to do it all the same, Sophia skipped a few questions like his ambition and some of the more challenging ones to make it seem like she hadn't cheated. Hermione's excellent knowledge about Lockhart earned Gryffindor ten points. Lockhart then decided to unleash a herd of Cornish Pixies on the class, then he forgot how to round them up and left Sophia, Harry, Ron, and Hermione in charge of the task.

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