chapter nine

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Ginny began explaining everything and apologising,

"It's okay Ginny, everything's okay" she smiled and pulled the smaller girl into a hug, Ginny began to cry.

"I'll be expelled!" Sophia helped her to her feet and attempted to comfort her as they walked, she tried to tell Ginny everything would be okay but she didn't know if it would.

Ron and Ginny hugged once they were together, and Sophia smiled at that. They knew they'd have to explain everything to Ron later, they didn't want Ginny hearing, not after the year she'd had.

"Where's Lockhart?" Sophia questioned, Ron grinned,

"Back there" he gestured a few feet behind him, "he's in a bad way, come see!" Lockhart was sat there, humming to himself, Sophia's eyes widened in confusion. "Memory charm backfired, he doesn't know anything" Ron explained, Sophia had to stop herself laughing.

Sophia took Harry's hand, Ron took hers and so on as they held onto Fawkes to escape.

Fawkes led them toward McGonagalls office, as soon as they entered, Ginny was pulled into a hug by Mrs Weasley, who then hugged the trio and began thanking them profusely. Sophia then noticed Dumbledore standing there. Smiling. Then the questioning started, Sophia and Harry explained everything that had happened, Sophia particularly enjoyed explaining that Voldemort was a halfblood.

Sophia smiled broadly as he heard that Hermione would be waking up soon,

They were then left with Dumbledore, who promised them an award and gave them two hundred points each, Ron was sent out but Dumbledore asked Sophia to stay, saying that she may be interested to see their next visitor,

Sophia listened to Harry and Dumbledores conversation but also tried to ignore it, it wasn't her place to know everything that was said.

Then they were told about the sword, only a true Gryffindor could've pulled it out, Harry had seen it and Sophia had pulled it out. This had made her happy, Sophia was beginning to question when this guest would arrive, then, her father burst in. Sophia found herself smiling as her father was caught out for blackmailing the governors. Dumbledore was right, she was interested in this, more than interested this was entertaining.

"Have you stopped the attacks yet?" Her father questioned,

"Indeed, it was your own daughter who stopped them actually. For she killed the basilisk and destroyed the diary along with young Harry" her father turned to her, a glare on his face. Sophia smirked, seeing her father like this made her very happy.

Sophia looked at Dobby confused before understanding,

"Don't you want to know how Ginny got hold of that diary, Mr Malfoy?" Harry started, Sophia joined him, her fathers glare intensified,

"How should I know how the stupid little girl got hold of it?" He seethed,

"Because you have it to her" Sophia answered, arms folded. "In Flourish and Blotts, when you chucked her books. You slipped the diary in there" her father got angry and she could see him almost reach for his wand,

"Prove it" he hissed, Sophia didn't back down. She wasn't afraid of her father, she'd killed a basilisk. She helped kill a fragment of Voldemort, why should her father scare her?

Dumbledore gave her father a warning about handing out Voldemorts possessions before he left with Dobby, then Harry grabbed the diary and ran out. Confused, Sophia followed him.

Her father then threatened Harry,

"Oh dad can't you at least pretend to like my friends?" Sophia joked, Harry laughed slightly and her father glared before commanding Dobby to follow. Then Sophia saw it, Dobby had a sock.

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