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Y/N was enjoying a peaceful slumber until her alarm clock interrupted her. She expressed her frustration as she slipped on her comfortable slippers. The smooth texture of the slippers further induced her drowsiness as she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. After completing her morning routine, she descended the stairs only to be greeted with a harsh slap from her mother.

"Mother, why did you strike me?" the girl exclaimed, rubbing her cheek in disbelief. Her mother's face was twisted with anger as she shouted, "You overslept yet again! How many times have I instructed you to wake up on schedule? You must take on more responsibility!"

Perplexed and still disoriented from her interrupted sleep, the girl attempted to defend herself. "But I set my alarm, I swear! I must have just... missed it," she let out a frustrated sigh.

Her mother scolded, "This is not the first time, and it is becoming a habit. Everyone is hungry and you are still sleeping here."

Feeling remorseful and guilty for causing her mother's anger, the girl lowered her gaze. "I apologize, Mother," she muttered, her voice filled with regret. "I did not intend to oversleep again. I will strive harder, I promise."

However, her mother slapped her once more. Despite this, she cooked breakfast for her sisters and served it. Unfortunately, her sisters started choking on it and ended up throwing the entire meal onto the floor, creating quite a mess. However, she was undeterred by the incident and immediately took charge, cleaning up the mess before heading to school.

Y/N recalls walking through the school
corridor and being greeted by her friends Jennie and Lisa, who hugged her tightly and scolded her for being late. After some banter, they headed to class together. The rest of the day went smoothly, and Y/N was able to return home and catch up on some much-needed rest.

*Sorry for the short story *
Your author is out of ideas
I'll be back with an interesting story

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