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As he gazed at her, he smiled, but it quickly faded when he noticed her sweating. To keep her warm, he heated his own body.

He looked at her with affectionate eyes, his heart racing. His eyes glimmered with a golden hue as he stared at her, from her eyes down to her nose, before lingering on her lips.

Suddenly, his eyes changed to a stunning silver color, leaving him stunned.

Taehyung pov
What the heck!! Why am I feeling so horny? It's lust...

His gaze was still on her lips. He tried his best to ignore his feelings but he couldn't get rid of his feelings.

Taehyung pov
I can't. One kiss won't matter, right?

As he leaned in towards her, his eyes glowed silver. With a gentle touch, he pressed his lips against her forehead and held her there for a long time. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing and quickly got off, intending to leave.

However, his powers went out of control and made him forcefully lay down beside her. His wings formed a golden outline and wrapped themselves around her, ensuring her safety. He smiled and hugged her slowly, savoring the moment.

The king walked towards his castle, every step he took was a testament to his power as the most powerful devil king. The air was filled with the fragrant scent of flowers, and the guards trembled as they bowed their heads to pay their respects. He made his way to his room and got ready to leave for the Eldoria kingdom. As the king of the entire devil realm, it was his responsibility to take care of it.

Meanwhile, in the mortal world, y/n woke up to the sound of her mother's loud voice. Her mother burst into the room, but before she could do anything, an invisible black power formed around her and threw her out of the room. Y/n was left confused and concerned for her mother's well-being.

As she made her way towards the door, she asked her mother if she was okay, but her mother's response was harsh and dismissive. Despite her injured leg, her mother got up and made her way downstairs, leaving y/n to sigh and head to the restroom to freshen up.

Sophie, caught her as she came downstairs and said, "Mom, someone unknown is visiting our house!" Y/n raised her eyebrows in confusion and headed outside.

The discussion was taking place in a grand hall, which was illuminated by the light coming through the large windows. The king and princes were present there. Jimin noticed the king, Taehyung, was lost in his thoughts and coughed lightly to grab his attention. Taehyung looked at Jimin and then shifted his gaze back to the window.

Jin suggested that they should discuss the ongoing situation between the two kingdoms, Eldoria and Luminae. Everyone turned their attention to him, and the room was filled with silence.

Jhope looked horrified and exclaimed, "Hyung! The route going between these two kingdoms is dangerous."

Jin chuckled and replied, "We can't let Luminae fight with Eldoria without any reason."

Jimin, who seemed to understand Jin's point, looked at him and muttered, "Golden peach forest."

Jin nodded in agreement and spoke, "Golden peach forest lies between these two kingdoms."

Jhope raised his voice and yelled, "It's so dangerous to go there."

Jin gave him a stern look and responded, "It's not the solution, kid. The barrier between these two kingdoms is weakened, and Luminae has already killed ten soldiers. We can't let that happen."

Namjoon suggested, "We have to go there to make the barrier stronger. No one can do this except Taehyung. As he is the king of the whole devil realm, no one will have the guts to cross the barrier. Luminae will listen to him. He is the youngest here, and his powers are beyond imagination."

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