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The stars were sparkling and only tyre sound was echoing in the chilly and silent atmosphere. The peaceful atmosphere made y/n's eyelids heavy causing her to sleep. The moon was adding more glow to her face. She was looking like a fallen angel.

Mrs.lee looked back only to be burned in jealousy while looking at y/n's beauty but soon smirked when her daughter Valerie said,"Mom she'll be no more with us".
Astrid laughed evilly while uttering,"This b*tch".
They shut their mouth as their mom glared at them.

Hours passed, they soon reached mansion making y/n came out of her peaceful slumber.
She was in awe looking at the beauty of the mansion. It's old architecture beautifies it. She started jumping around happily totally unaware of the danger. Her innocence was reflecting through her smile.

Everyone person present there smirked at her innocence and called them in. Sophie and Alexandra (the daughters of Y/N's uncle and aunty) smiled at Valerie and Astrid. After settling down and eating the breakfast they started chit-chatting.

Sophie said with a fake smile,"How are you y/n?!Long time no see". Y/N replied while flashing a pure smile,"Unnie! I am fine and you are looking pretty today".
Sophie being jealous of her beauty replied mockingly,"You are looking ugly as always".
Y/N smiled back.
Alexandra chuckled at her.
"Mom!where will Y/N sleep today". Alexandra spoke while looking at y/n.
"Y/N you'll sleep on top floor and you don't need any explanations." Mrs.Min said while raising her voice a little.
Y/N nodded her head.

In the devil world

The King was getting ready,while thinking about something.

I have to control and protect my powers. They are beyond than imaginations. If a devil drinks a drop of my blood they'll not be able to handle it.

The king, Taehyung, meticulously fixed his coat and checked himself one last time in the mirror before heading towards his horse, Eclipse. The king's majestic beauty was reflected in each step the king took. Walking impressively, he reached Eclipse, and the horse neighed in recognition of his master.

The king climbed onto Eclipse's back and started to ride at a high speed, the wind embracing his body. His hair flew as he rode hard, making him look even more alluring.

Finally, upon reaching his destination, the king got down from Eclipse and handed him to the guards. The guards bowed in respect as Taehyung made his way inside the luxurious building, looking like a Greek god.

The room was filled with people busy chit-chatting. However, silence filled the whole room as the king entered. Everyone stood up and bowed respectfully, except for his parents, who smiled at him. The king made his way towards the luxurious chair at the center of the room, and after everyone got comfortable, they started chatting again.

"How are you, son?" his mother asked sweetly, her voice filled with love.

"I'm fine, Mom," he replied with his husky voice.

"Taehyung! How are world affairs going?" his dad spoke, breaking the silence in the room. Taehyung looked at him with a sense of ease and replied with his dark aura, "The affairs are going smoothly, and the threats that our kingdom is continuously getting are being solved. Dad, I want you to meet Mr. Jung about the contract between Celastria and Valoria. Both the kingdoms' kings are having difficulties in carrying out peace. The war may break out between them. To carry out the peace, Dad, you have to meet them," he stated firmly.

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