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The night was serene and the moon, in its full glory, was casting a soft glow on everything. The time was already half past midnight when Jackson, dressed in shabby clothes to avoid being recognized, stepped outside. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he made his way towards the yard where the horses were kept. He had a plan, and a horse was an essential part of it.

As he walked past the horses, his eyes fell on Eclipse. The horse was a magnificent sight, with its black coat shining in the moonlight. Jackson was stunned by the horse's beauty and couldn't help but approach it. He reached out to touch the horse, but before he could, Eclipse suddenly opened its eyes and roared like thunder. The sound echoed through the yard, making Jackson back away a little.

Jackson was taken aback by the sudden outburst, but he quickly regained his composure. "Such a wild horse," he muttered under his breath and scoffed. He knew that he had to move quickly if he wanted to carry out his plan.

He grabbed his horse and dashed out of the yard.

The dense forest was shrouded in a thick layer of mist, which made it difficult for Jackson to navigate his way through the thick foliage. However, he persisted, driven by his desire to acquire the power he needed to defeat his enemy, Kim Taehyung.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jackson finally arrived at his destination. He saw an old man sitting in a clearing, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to stretch endlessly toward the sky. The old man was engrossed in his books, and he did not even look up when Jackson approached him.

Without any hesitation, Jackson spoke up, "I need your help, Mr. Wang. I want to gain the power to defeat Kim Taehyung and acquire his powers and his kingdom."

Mr. Wang's muscles tensed up at the mere mention of Kim Taehyung's name. He knew all too well about the person who was no less than death itself. "I'm sorry, King," Mr. Wang said, "but I cannot help you with this. However, I can offer you some advice."

Jackson nodded in agreement and waited for Mr. Wang to continue.

"King," Mr. Wang said, "Kim Taehyung is the lord of the devil, and a single drop of his blood can give a devil enormous strength. You can withdraw the blood with the help of your mate."

Jackson's face lit up with a sly smirk as he muttered under his breath, "Never knew this useless b***h could be helpful."

Mr. Wang handed Jackson a bottle of potion, which was filled with a dark, murky liquid. The small vial was intricately designed, with a silver cap and an intricate pattern etched into the glass. "Add this to his food," Mr. Wang instructed, "but remember not to take his blood after you give him the potion. It won't kill him, but it will make his powers weak for the next two days."

Jackson's smirk grew wider as he took the bottle from Mr. Wang's hand and whispered, "Finally, I shall defeat Kim Taehyung."

As the Spring Lantern Festival was fast approaching, everyone was bustling about, making preparations for the big event. Amidst all the commotion, Y/n was caught up in her world, running and giggling uncontrollably. She was being chased by an irritated Luna who was hot on her heels, shouting, "Stop angel! I'll make you regret it. Come back." But Y/n was too caught up in her merriment to pay heed to Luna's warning. She continued to run, without a care in the world, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

Jisoo and Mrs. Kim are engrossed in a conversation about the upcoming festival. Y/n, in a hurry, runs faster and accidentally collides with Jisoo unnie. Luna, who was chasing y/n, tells Jisoo not to let the brat go. Jisoo smirks and tightens her grip on y/n's arm, making it difficult for her to escape. Y/n wiggles and pleads with Jisoo to let her go, but Jisoo refuses and waits for Luna to approach.

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