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Unknown figure laughing creepily sending shivers down to guard.

As soon as the words "Alert my devils! It's gonna be a long day" left his lips, a devilish smirk spread across Kevin's face.

The guard standing in front of him nodded solemnly, and without any further hesitation, he ran outside to gather the army.

Moments later, Kevin made his way outside as well. He hopped onto his horse and looked around at his fellow devil guards.

The atmosphere was tense, and the fear was completely visible on their faces. They all knew what was coming - a battle against the most powerful devil king in the history.

Kevin took a deep breath and said, "Remember to kill Kim Taehyung." His smirk grew wider as every devil guard nodded in agreement.

The mere mention of Kim Taehyung's name sent shivers down their spine, but they were willing to do whatever it took to defeat him and emerge victorious.


Taehyung and his angel were enjoying a peaceful moment together as she slept soundly on his chest. They had embarked on a journey and had finally arrived at the most famous ocean known for its breathtaking beauty. Legend had it that the ocean's color would change to white upon sensing the presence of the most powerful devil king mate.

Taehyung gently patted his angel's head, causing her to stir from her slumber and yawn loudly. He dismounted his horse and carefully lifted her down, holding her waist securely. As she blinked her eyes to adjust to her surroundings, the beauty of the ocean left her speechless.

With a happy squeal, she grabbed Taehyung's hand and tugged him towards the water's edge. The smile on Taehyung's face grew wider as he watched her in awe. "It's so beautiful, Tae!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands in glee.

Taehyung responded with a chuckle, "It is, baby girl!"

Without hesitation, she threw off her shoes and ran towards the ocean, letting the waves caress her feet. As she immersed herself in the ocean's beauty, a small white color began to appear, outlining the waves. Taehyung soon joined her, sharing in the magical moment.

Liana gazed out towards the vast ocean as she spoke, "See the white outline." Jisoo's attention was immediately drawn towards the direction that Liana was pointing. "Woah! Is that mate Y/n?" Jisoo exclaimed, intrigued. Luna chimed in, "Maybe! But she is so innocent." The group stood there admiring the view with the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore in the background.

Mrs. Kim joined the conversation and smiled at Y/n, who was busy with Taehyung. "Soon this ocean will make their wish come true," she said. "Y/n has changed my son," Mrs. Kim added, looking at her affectionately.

"Ok! Let's practice our magic," Liana suggested, breaking the silence. The group formed a circle, ready to start practicing their magic.

Suddenly, Jin appeared, being his usual dramatic self. "Hey! Spend some time with me," he pleaded with Jisoo. She chuckled and went with him, leaving the rest of the group to continue practicing their magic.

As the sun began to set, everyone was busy spending time with their mates.
(except You and I😅)

Taehyung made Y/n sit on the horse, and he hopped on behind her. He grabbed the reins and started riding, going a little too fast.

Jin noticed the change in the environment.
He said, "Taehyung. I think this path leads to the forest."
Taehyung hummed and spoke in his husky voice, "Yes! we have to cross this to reach the castle. we can't use another path due to some problems.
Jin nodded.

The path they were following led through a dense forest, and Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they continued.

As they rode, Kevin and his guards lurked in the shadows of the forest, plotting their attack. Kevin was determined to take Taehyung's crown and plunge the world into chaos and violence. He sneered at the thought of love, believing that it had no place in his dark world. His eyes glinted with purple light as he channeled his energy to set up a trap for Taehyung.

Despite the ominous atmosphere, nobody dared to speak out and disturb the tranquility of Taehyung and Y/n's ride. They rode in peaceful silence, the only sound the soft thud of the horse's hooves and the rustle of leaves in the wind. Taehyung assisted Y/n in mounting the horse, carefully adjusting her position before climbing up behind her. He took hold of the reins and urged the horse onwards, picking up speed as they rode. The path they were following led through a dense forest, and Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they continued.

As they walked into the dense forest, a serene silence surrounded them, and the canopy of the trees above them provided shade. The sky began to darken, and clouds appeared, casting a shadow over the dense foliage below. As they walked further, the wind started to blow harder, rustling the leaves and carrying the scent of black jasmine. Taehyung held onto y/n's waist securely as they made their way outside, their horse, Eclipse, sensing something was wrong and walking cautiously.

However, the journey was anything but peaceful as the sky continued to darken, and the wind grew stronger, making it hard for them to continue. Suddenly, they saw grey smoke, which made it difficult to see. Taehyung closed his eyes to regain his senses, but when he opened them, he saw an arrow coming towards him, and he groaned in shock.

As he used his powers to vanish the grey smoke, he saw everyone tied up, and his heart sank. The formation activated, trapping Taehyung, and he couldn't find y/n. He tried to get out of the formation, but he couldn't. "Where is mom, Jimin?" Taehyung yelled, his voice echoing through the forest. "She is safe," Jimin yelled back, trying to reassure him.

The forest that once seemed enchanted now appeared menacing, and Taehyung's heart started to race as he couldn't find his angel.

As their attention was diverted towards the raspy voice, Taehyung immediately recognized him. The man was none other than Kevin, who seemed to be furious at Taehyung for sitting on his throne. Kevin threatened to take his revenge on Taehyung and use his precious ones as his weakness. Taehyung laughed evilly, intimidating Kevin slightly.

However, Kevin was not alone. Y/n was struggling in his grip, and Taehyung could see that she was in trouble.
Kevin looked at her.
"I never knew you were this beautiful and precious!. I wanna taste you so bad kitten. You'll look so sexy under me". Kevin said while touching y/n.

She pushed Kevin away, shouting Taehyung's name for help. Taehyung was quick to act and commanded,"DON'T DRAG HER YOU F**KER! DON'T TOUCH HER. I WON'T HESITATE TO SLIT YOUR THROAT".

But Kevin was too arrogant and tore off Y/n's shirt from her shoulder, causing Taehyung's eyes to darken. His veins popped out, and his devil form started to appear as his wings flapped. Kevin was scared, but he spoke rudely, "I'll kill you."

Taehyung's eyes turned red, and the wind started to blow faster with thunderstorms emerging. He broke the formation, and Y/n was now closer to him. Taehyung grabbed her waist and spoke softly, "Everything is okay, love!" He then handed Y/n to his allies, asking them to take her to Castle Noon.

Kevin used his powers, but it was in vain as thunder strikes his body, breaking his spiritual veins. Taehyung looked at him, and his heart stopped beating as his body turned into ashes.

Taehyung hopped on Eclipse and made his way towards the castle. He ran upstairs and saw Y/n sleeping. Taehyung sat by the edge of the bed and took her hand in his, whispering,

"I can't live without you. If someone tried to take you away from me, I wouldn't hesitate to rip this world apart."

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