Chapter 27✨

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As she gazed at him, a wave of worry and concern washed over her as she observed how weak he appeared. her fingers moved slowly and gently as you stroked his hair, threading through the strands with care.

"Everything will be alright," she whispered softly to him, the words carrying reassurance and comfort.

Taehyung stirred slowly, let out a groan, and gazed at the person in front of him. "Love," he called out softly. Y/N quickly came back to their senses and gently held his arm to help him sit up. He sat back, looking at her, and managed a weak smile. "Stop smiling like that," she snapped. He chuckled in response.

"how are you," she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"I am fine, little one," he replied weakly. As she hugged him, her hands encircled him, and suddenly, his wings burst open, filling the space and occupying the whole couch. Her eyes widened as she looked at his wings, their iridescent feathers shimmering in the light.

"Hey, they're quite bigger," she said, admiring his magnificent wings.

He smirked as he caught her admiring his wings. "Loving it, hmm?" he teased.

"Yes, so much," she breathed, marveling at the sheer beauty of his unexpected display.

He chuckled softly, a warm smile spreading across his face, as he gently pulled her even closer to him. "I can't imagine my life without you," Taehyung said, his words eliciting a soft, musical chuckle from her. Feeling a rush of emotion, she hugged him even tighter, wanting to convey her feelings without words. Taehyung, overwhelmed with emotion, felt his head begin to spin as he held her close, cherishing the feeling of her in his arms.

His fangs come out as he resist the urge to claim her as his.

his wings flapped dangerously creating a gust of wind around them. she slowly stroke his hairs to calm his down. her sudden gesture make his wings calmed down as they hugged her.
he planted a kiss on her forehead.
"please my love. don't stop stroHis wings flapped dangerously, creating a gust of wind around them. She slowly stroked his hairs to calm him down. Her sudden gesture made his wings calm down as they hugged her. He planted a kiss on her forehead. "Please, my love, don't stop stroking  them".

Taehyung melts under her touch, his expression softening as he feels her fingers running through his hair. He leans into her touch, clearly enjoying the feeling of her touch on his scalp.

Selugi notices the small gesture and frowns, clearly irritated at the affectionate display between you and Taehyung.

Taehyung's expression soften at your kiss, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He turns to look at you, his gaze filled with affection.

"That's why."He said.

He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him, making it crystal clear to Selugi that he has no interest in her.

(Selugi was there watching you both)

Lucy came from behind and pulled
y/n away from taehyung

Lucy, who had been watching the interaction between yourself and Taehyung, decided to intervene. She walked up from behind and gently but firmly pulled you away from him.

Surprised, you turn to look at her, confused by her sudden interruption. Taehyung looks equally puzzled, his eyes narrowing as he looks at Lucy, wondering what she's up to.

"What happened unnie?"
Y/n asked from Lucy.

"He is weak*. Lucy said

Taehyung is visibly in pain, his strength fading rapidly. He looks at her with pleading eyes, desperation etched on his face.

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