Chapter 21 ✨

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As she stood there waiting for Taehyung's reply, Y/n felt her heart pounding in her chest. Her breath hitched as she braced herself for whatever he might say next.

When Taehyung spoke, his words cut through the air like a knife, and Y/n could feel her blood starting to boil. She looked at him with fierce, raging eyes, her anger bubbling to the surface. "Yeah, you!" she snapped, her voice sharp and biting. "Don't you dare say that again."

Taehyung quickly realized his mistake and apologized, calling her "princess" as he pulled her close. Y/n hugged him back tightly, feeling his warmth and comfort wash over her like a soothing balm. The moon shone brightly overhead, casting a romantic glow over their intimate moment, and Y/n felt her heart begin to calm.

But just as she was starting to relax, Taehyung's voice grew serious. "Y/n," he said, gazing into her eyes with a solemn expression. "Listen carefully. The king of the Astralyn kingdom is coming here."

Y/n frowned, feeling a sense of unease settle over her. She knew that the Astralyn kingdom was one of the most powerful in the land, and the thought of their king visiting filled her with apprehension. "So?" she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but her voice betrayed her nervousness.

Taehyung sighed, placing a hand on her
shoulder. "So, we need to be prepared," he said

Y/n raised her eyebrows and gazed deeply into Taehyung's eyes, trying to grasp the gravity of his words. "What do you mean by 'the'?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. Taehyung hesitated for a moment before speaking in a grave tone, "The one who hunts humans to increase his powers, Princess. He's been doing it for centuries, searching for a pure soul to kill and absorb its power. And now, he has his eyes set on you."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she felt the weight of Taehyung's words. She knew what he was talking about, and the thought of being the next target of this monstrous being sent shivers down her spine. "Taehyung," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"He wants you because you are my mate, y/n. He knows that taking you away from me would weaken me, and he's been waiting for this opportunity for too long," Taehyung said, his eyes filled with pain and sadness.

Y/n took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She knew she had to be strong for Taehyung's sake. "I won't let him take me away from you, Taehyung. I am yours, and nothing can change that," she said, a small smile forming on her lips.

Taehyung looked at her with a mixture of relief and gratitude. He knew that y/n was the only one who could save him from the darkness that threatened to consume him. "Thank you, my love. I promise to protect you with my life," he said, his eyes shining with determination.

Taehyung couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight of his love, Y/n, playing with fireflies in the serene darkness of the night. The tiny insects lit up the surroundings and made her look like a mystical creature. He longed to be close to her, to feel the warmth of her body and the touch of her skin. Finally, he mustered the courage and stood up from his spot. He took slow steps towards her, careful not to startle her. When he reached her, he couldn't resist the urge to grab her waist and pull her towards him. Y/n flinched at the sudden contact, but relaxed when she realized it was Taehyung. The warmth of his body and the smell of his cologne made her feel safe and loved. They stayed like that for a while, lost in their own little world, enjoying the magical moment together.

Fireflies surrounded them.
Taehyung gave her wet kisses on her neck and suck her collarbone making her moan.
He turned her and smashed his lips on her.
Y/n was still shocked not knowing what was happening
He kissed her tenderly and lovingly removing hier all their worries.
He squeezed her waist indicating for her to kiss him back
Ignoring everything, y/n kissed him back with the same passion and love
They were so engrossed in each other that even the devil failed to sense someone burning.

Selugi looked at them burning with jealousy.
She said to herself

"Just wait and watch Kim Taehyung. I'll make you do such things that y/n will hate you to the extent that she will leave you and you'll be mine".

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