Chapter 14 ✨

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Y/n's heart thudded in her chest as she saw a complete change in Taehyung's demeanor. The once playful and carefree man she knew was now replaced with an intense and serious one. Her voice caught in her throat as she tried to speak, and her body trembled with both fear and excitement.

Taehyung pulled her closer, his body radiating heat as he whispered huskily against her lips, asking her what she wanted to say. Y/n's face flushed with warmth as he referred to her as "his princess". She felt a surge of affection for him, and her heart fluttered with happiness.

As she rested her head on Taehyung's shoulder, Y/n felt a sense of safety and comfort in his embrace. But her peace was short-lived, as Taehyung's voice turned serious, instructing her to stay away from some individuals. Y/n nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of unease as she wondered who these people were and why they posed a threat to her.

Her smile faded as she remembered how Selugi had hugged Taehyung earlier, and her mind filled with doubts and insecurities. She wondered if she was the only one in Taehyung's heart, or if others were vying for his affections.

Without warning, Taehyung let go of her, taking her hand and teleporting them both to his room. He gave her a stern look and ordered her to stay put and not leave the room. Y/n obediently nodded, watching as he kissed her forehead before leaving the room to attend to whatever business he had downstairs. As she sat alone in the room.

It was a busy evening at the Mythoria palace as Mr. and Mrs. Kim were engrossed in a lively conversation with the king and queen of the realm. However, their conversation was interrupted by the sound of someone coming downstairs. As they turned to see who it was, their eyes met with Taehyung breathtaking sight. Selugi, seemed to be captivated by the sight of Taehyung, who had just entered the room in his royal form.

Taehyung was a stunning sight to behold, with his black coat draped perfectly over his broad shoulders, and his wings glowing with a golden hue. The crown on his head was a clear indication that he was the true king of the devil realm. Selugi couldn't help but stare at him in awe, her eyes filled with lust as she took in his commanding presence. It was a moment that left everyone in the room in a state of wonder, as they watched Taehyung move with grace and poise, embodying the true essence of royalty.
As he made his way towards his hyungs, Taehyung ignored the noisy crowd and smiled at his friends. They looked at him with pride, knowing how far he had come. "Taehyung, who will be your queen?" Liana asked. "Of course, Selugi," the queen spoke, referring to her daughter who was standing next to her. Taehyung's expression turned to anger and he gritted his teeth. "It would be better if you stopped shipping your daughter," he said firmly. "You two are getting married, aren't you, Mr. Kim?" Mr. Park spoke up, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's up to my son," Mrs. Kim said, trying to keep the peace. "Tae," Selugi pouted, taking his hand and throwing herself at him, much to Taehyung's disgust. His hyungs looked at him, noticing how he was already pissed off. "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Selugi heard someone shout and they looked upstairs. Y/n was fuming in anger, stomping downstairs and making her way towards them. Her eyes were ablaze with fury as she confronted the group, demanding to know what was going on.

Selugi, a middle-aged woman with a stern expression, turned her gaze towards y/n, a young woman who seemed to be in a bad mood. "Bring me a glass of juice," she demanded in a firm tone.

Y/n's face twisted with anger and frustration. She responded harshly, "Why should I? Don't you have legs?"

Taehyung, who was standing nearby, was taken aback by y/n's rude behavior. He watched her princess boldness.

"Taehyung baby!" Selugi called out to him while flaunting her curvaceous body.

Y/n's eyes darkened with annoyance. She was quick to recognize when people were trying to show off or manipulate others. She replied sarcastically, "Oh, you! Stop showing your butt. It's not going to work on my man".

Y/n's eyes narrowed as she glared at Selugi. The tension between the two was palpable, and before Selugi could make a move towards her, y/n stepped in between taehyung and selugi.

"Don't disrespect her," Mrs. Park spoke firmly, her voice carrying an air of authority. "She will be the queen of this realm."

"I am sorry, Aunty," Y/n said, her tone respectful yet unyielding. "But she is not the mate of your highness."

Selugi gritted her teeth, clearly unhappy with Y/n's words. "He will be mine," she whispered fiercely, her eyes fixed on Y/n.

But Y/n was not intimidated. She replied mockingly, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"No matter how hard you try, he is still mine."

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