Chapter 16 ✨

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Taehyung's face lit up with happiness as soon as he heard Y/n's confirmation. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time and it finally happened. However, not everyone was pleased with this development. Selugi, who was sitting nearby, was boiling with anger at the sight of their joy.

Suddenly, Mr. Park intervened, "Taehyung! Take Selugi with you too". Taehyung's expression changed in an instant, as he was not expecting this request. He was about to say something when y/n spoke up, "Selugi will be busy with one of her sexual partners".

Everyone present tensed up listening to Yln's reply. Selugi, who was already furious, lost her temper completely, and shouted, "You BITCH!. HOW DARE YOU?". Her eyes were filled with rage and she was ready to lash out at y/n.

However, y/n chose to stay silent, not wanting to escalate the situation further. Mr. Park, who was also present, tried to defuse the situation by saying, "You should not speak like that. You are just a low-class maid. You know nothing about devils so shut up".

The tension in the air was palpable as y/n eyes darkened.

As Selugi spoke, "Yes, Dad! See her standards and she is trying to seduce Taehyung,"

Y/n's eyes darkened with fury. Without a second thought, she grabbed the glass full of juice and threw it on Selugi, shocking everyone in the room.

Y/n stood up from her seat and slammed her hand on the table, glaring at Selugi with an intense gaze. "Listen," she said sternly, "I know every single thing about you. Why would I even bother seducing someone who is already mine? And I suggest you take those filthy eyes off him right now, or else I'll take them out and play with them like they are dice."

The room fell silent as Y/n's words hung in the air. Her boldness and confidence left everyone in awe, and Selugi was left speechless. It was clear that Y/n was not one to be messed with, and that she would fiercely protect what was hers.

Y/n's response was sharp and direct as she said, "And if you think I am weak. Who will shut up? But sorry I am not like that. It won't take time for me to snap that dirty throat of yours". Her words were filled with a hint of anger and frustration, as she fixed her intense stare on Mr. Park.

As Y/n spoke, Mr. Park seemed taken aback by the sudden outburst. He looked at her with a mix of surprise and fear as her gaze bore into him. Y/n continued, "You should teach your daughter some manners. Oh!. What am I saying? How can someone teach their daughter manners when they don't know how to react." Her voice was filled with conviction and unapologetic boldness.

As she finished her scathing remark, Y/n glared at Mr. Park one last time before turning around and walking away. The room was filled with stunned silence as everyone watched her leave. Her boldness had left a lasting impression on everyone, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at her unwavering confidence.

Taehyung was taken aback as he witnessed his princess's sudden change in behavior.

Lily, who was sitting next to Taehyung, noticed his confusion and asked if he knew what was going on.

"Is she the y/n we know?" Lily inquired.

"No, she's my wild kitten," Luna replied with a hint of amusement in her voice.

As the situation escalated, everyone at the table began to feel uncomfortable and decided to leave, except for Mr. Park and his family. They remained seated, looking visibly distressed.

"Dad, what was that?" Selugi exclaimed.
Mr.Park said


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