Chapter 13✨

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Y/n's eyes widened as she gazed at Taehyung in utter confusion, her heart pounding with a strange mix of fear and excitement. She tried to push him away, but he only drew her closer, his grasp unyielding. She could feel his warm breath on her skin, and the sensation sent shivers down her spine.

"Taehyung, please let me go," she pleaded, struggling against his hold. But Taehyung only tightened his grip, his eyes softening when he heard her painful yelp. "Princess," he called out softly, and she looked down, feeling a sudden rush of emotions.

Before she could do anything else, Taehyung lifted her in his arms, holding her close in a bridal style. "Tae!" Y/n whispered, her heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement. "Shhhhhhh," Taehyung shushed her, carrying her towards his bed.

He made her carefully lay down, tucking her in with a soft blanket. "You better rest," he said, standing up and going outside. Y/n dashed outside as soon as he left, feeling relieved and a little bit embarrassed.

Taehyung massaged his forehead, chuckling to himself. "This little punk," he muttered, shaking his head in amusement. Despite everything, he knew that he would always be there for her, no matter what.

Y/n lay on the soft grass, gazing up at the sparkling stars above. She let out a deep sigh as she contemplated the new and confusing emotions she had been feeling lately. Suddenly, she was aware of someone approaching and turned her head to find Rose standing beside her, concern etched on her face.

"Is anything bothering you, dear?" Rose asked, her voice warm and gentle.

Y/n shook her head, not wanting to burden her noona with her problems. Rose sighed and sat down beside her, looking at Y/n with a mixture of compassion and curiosity.

"What's on your mind, Y/n?" Rose asked, her eyes searching Y/n's face.

Y/n hesitated for a moment before speaking, suddenly realizing that Rose was the mate of Jimin, who was a close friend of Taehyung's. Maybe Rose could help her sort out her feelings.

"Noona," Y/n began tentatively, "how did you and Jimin oppa meet?"

Rose smiled at the memory and blushed slightly. "Oh, it's a beautiful fairytale," she said, settling back against the grass. Y/n sat next to her, eager to hear the story.

Y/n listened attentively as Rose began to recount a story.

She described a rainy day where she was busy helping her friends with their work. Despite not belonging to a royal family, Rose had listened to many stories of the devil king. As she spoke, Y/n could sense the excitement in Rose's voice.

Rose went on to explain that on that particular day, her friend had a blind date. Her friend was already in a relationship, so Rose decided to help her out. Her friend happened to be the princess of their town, so Rose put on her best outfit and went to meet the blind date in her friend's place.

As Rose continued her story,
she revealed that the date was fine, but she wasn't paying attention to anything the guy was saying. She was too busy helping her friend and making sure everything went smoothly. Despite being just a mere devil girl, Rose had managed to help her friend in a time of need.


Rose was on a blind date with a man named Kevin.

"How are you, M'lady". Kevin said.
He was looking at Rose from top to bottom making her feel uncomfortable.
"Ahmm I am fine". Rose said trying to be polite.
Kevin (the prince of their neighboring town) knew that she was not Hana(the whom he was going on a blind date).
"You whore!". He yelled gaining everyone's attention.
"She is such a slut that she is asking a prince to sleep with her". Kevin yelled
Rose was shocked but soon her blood boiled listening to his words.
"She is a club girl!". Kevin was about to continue further.
When Rose grabbed the wine bottle and mashed it on his head.
"You jerk!. No one gave you the right to call me that".
Rose used her powers and punched him with all her force.
She hates attention. She ran from there
She didn't know where she was going.
She looked around her surroundings. She had ended up in a completely different land.
Her muscles tensed up when she heard someone's groaning.
She jolted back and summoned her sword.
She slowly moved towards following the sound of the voice.
The dried leaves crushed under her heels
She made her way and was about to attack when her eyes met with the devil injured.
She recognized that the devil was not a mere one.
Jimin looked at the girl. Her beauty caught his eyes. He was busy admiring her but suddenly he groaned when his heart pained.
Rose panicked and helped him.

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