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The full moon was shining radiantly in the night sky, casting a spellbinding glow that illuminated the room. The moon's delicate rays were streaming through the window, falling softly on her face, accentuating her stunning features and making her look breathtakingly beautiful.

Taehyung, captivated by her charming appearance, gazed at her with his alluring eyes.

However, his moment of tranquility was abruptly interrupted by Jungkook's deafening screams from outside. "Open the door, you brat! I want to see my sister. Open it or else I'll eat your strawberries,".

Taehyung, with his husky voice, warned Jungkook, "You better leave or else I'll throw you in the microwave."

Undeterred by T,aehyung's warning, Jungkook yelled back, "Even the microwave can't take my hotness now, let me in." His longing to see his sister, Y/N, was driving him wild.

Jungkook's POV:
This brat is not letting me in. I want to see my sister. Well, who needs your permission? I'll break the door so he doesn't have to get up and unlock it. He smirked at his evil idea. After numerous failed attempts, he finally managed to open the door.

Taehyung, sensing Jungkook's presence, looked up and locked eyes with him. Jungkook was about to say something but stopped dead in his tracks when Taehyung threw him out with just a single glare. Jungkook groaned as his body collided with the ground.

Jungkook's thoughts: Oh, my poor little butt. Kim freaking Taehyung! I'll make you pay for this. I'll complain to Noonaa as soon as she wakes up.

Taehyung's eyes glimmered, reflecting a silver hue as he leaned in towards the woman sitting next to him.

He then gently pressed his lips on her forehead, holding the kiss for a few seconds before pulling back. He kept gazing at her, admiring her peaceful expression, until his eyes turned blue, signaling him to leave her alone to attend to his work.

Taehyung's thoughts raced, and he decided to create a protective barrier around the bed so that she could rest undisturbed and peacefully. He raised his hands and brought them down, creating a magical shield around the bed.

Downstairs, Taehyung found himself bombarded with questions from his noonas, who had gathered around him. Lucy was the first to speak up, her voice dripping with curiosity. She asked, "Who was that woman, Taehyung? Why did you bring her here? Is she your mate?"

Jisoo, meanwhile, exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! She's a mortal!"

Lily, tapping her foot impatiently, asked, "What's going on, Taehyung? Would you care to explain?"

Luna, looking suspiciously at him, asked, "Who is she to you? Why did you bring a mortal here? What are you up to, kid?"

Taehyung let out a deep sigh and slumped into the luxurious coach, stretching out his legs. "Noona," he said, addressing Luna, "I love her."

Everyone shouted, "You what?"

"I LOVE HER," Taehyung repeated firmly, his expression conveying his determination and seriousness.

Rose gave Jimin her famous smirk and raised an eyebrow. "You know that don't you?" she asked, her eyes fixed on him.

Jimin tried his best to avoid her gaze, but it was no use. "Excuse me, Mr. Shorty, I am asking you," Rose persisted.

Jimin let out a sigh. "Me? Well, yeah," he finally replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Luna, who had been eyeing Taehyung, spoke up. "Why don't you tell us, kid?" she said.

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