Chapter 19 ✨

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Taehyung walked down the street while holding y/n's hand tightly. The pair was surrounded by devils, who were busy with their own business. Both of them were silent, and the silence was palpable in the atmosphere.

As they strolled, y/n's eyes landed on a cotton candy shop, and her mouth instantly watered as she saw children eating cotton candy.

"TAEE!" y/n screamed.

"What happened princess?" Taehyung asked.

"I want that cotton candy," y/n said, showing him her doe eyes.

Taehyung chuckled, looking at her reaction. He tightened his grip around her hand and led her to the shop. The shopkeeper was horrified, witnessing his lord there. He bowed down and spoke while stuttering, "What can I do for you, lord?"

Taehyung looked at the devil bowing to him. Before he could speak a word, y/n spoke up, "Why are you bowing down, ahjussi?" She attempted to remove Taehyung's hand.

"Rise," Taehyung's husky voice echoed through the walls.

"Uncle, I want cotton candy full of flavors," y/n requested.

The shopkeeper nodded his head and went to make the candy. He handed it to y/n, who licked it excitedly.

"He will pay," y/n said before taking another lick.

Taehyung took out a gold coin and gave it to the devil. "Keep the change," he said seriously before taking y/n's hand and leaving the shop.

Taehyung and y/n were amidst a large crowd, making their way through the commotion. To avoid getting separated, Taehyung held y/n's hand tightly as they moved towards his horse.

Once they arrived, Taehyung helped y/n onto the horse and wrapped his arm around her waist, ensuring she was secure.

Despite the chaos around them, y/n seemed to be enjoying her cotton candy, blissfully unaware of the world around her. Taehyung turned to her and said, "Princess! We'll be going to the golden lake." Y/n nodded her head in agreement, excited for the adventure ahead. With that, they took off towards their destination

As Selugi trekked deeper into the treacherous devil world, she finally arrived at the fabled golden lake. Her eyes glinted with a fierce determination as she muttered to herself, "I'll kill you y/n".

She raised her hand and attempted to control the powerful waters of the lake, but was suddenly pushed back by an unseen force.

Undeterred, she gathered herself and muttered, "So what if I can't control it? At least I'll use the deadliest arrow." With this, she stealthily hid herself in the shadows, eagerly waiting for the couple to arrive.

As Taehyung gazed down at his princess who lay snuggled up on his chest, he felt a sense of warmth and contentment wash over him. The rhythmic sound of her breathing was soothing to his ears.

As they rode on horseback, the majestic animal eventually came to a halt before a stunning lake.
Taehyung dismounted first and helped y/n down, who was struggling to stay awake.

"Princess, we have arrived," Taehyung announced in his usual deep voice. Y/n nodded sleepily, still in a daze. She blinked her eyes open slowly, only to be greeted by the breathtaking view before her.

The lake was calm, its waters flowing steadily and forming a beautiful waterfall. The sunlight reflected on it, creating a golden hue. "Tae, it's so beautiful," y/n said, her voice filled with wonder as she twirled around. "It is, but not more than you," Taehyung replied, his eyes never leaving her. "Woah!," y/n exclaimed, playfully rolling her eyes. "Just look at it. I've never seen a more beautiful scenery." "Because it is in my world," Taehyung said, his voice filled with pride. Y/n scoffed, looking at him.

She grabbed his hand, and they walked towards the lake. Y/n sat down on the grass and took in the view. The lake seemed to sense its lord's presence and sparkled in response. Taehyung sat down behind y/n, wrapping his arms around her waist. As birds chirped in the background, they savored the romantic atmosphere.

Y/n rose from her seated position, her lithe form moving gracefully toward the calm waters of the lake.

Selugi, hidden among the trees, watched as y/n distanced herself from Taehyung, her eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. She knew that this was the ideal moment to put her wicked plan into motion.

With practiced ease, Selugi retrieved an arrow from her quiver, its deadly tip glinting ominously in the sunlight. She drew back her bowstring, her fingers curling around the smooth wood of her bow, her eyes unwavering as she aimed directly at y/n. With a flick of her wrist, Selugi released the arrow, and it soared through the air, slicing through the stillness of the peaceful surroundings. Oblivious to the peril that was approaching, y/n immersed herself in the beauty of her surroundings, her thoughts lost in the majesty of nature.

As the arrow whizzed through the air and threatened to strike y/n, the surface of the lake began to ripple and churn. Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, the water rose up and formed a barrier just in time to stop the arrow in its tracks. Amidst the chaos, a magnificent creature appeared, its feathers blazing with fiery light. It was Feiry, a mystical bird of legend that was said to possess immense power.

Taehyung's heart raced as he watched in awe as Feiry attacked the arrow, sending it flying backwards. He immediately rushed towards y/n and shielded her from the onslaught, holding her close to his chest. As the arrow hurtled back towards them with incredible speed, Taehyung acted fast and pulled y/n out of harm's way. However, the arrow grazed her hand and left a small cut, causing her to let out a sharp cry of pain.

Taehyung quickly examined y/n's wound, his eyes glowing with a fierce red hue. In that moment, he felt his powers surge within him, and his wings began to form and unfurl with a powerful force, shaking the surrounding trees. He seized the arrow with one hand, and with a burst of energy, he unleashed a powerful blast that turned the arrow into nothing but ashes.

As the dust settled, Taehyung ran towards y/n and enfolded her in a warm embrace. She sobbed uncontrollably, overwhelmed by the fear and danger they had just faced. "Taeee," y/n cried out plaintively, her voice quivering with emotion. "I am here, Princess. Don't cry," Taehyung reassured her in a gentle voice, holding her tightly to his chest. The two of them stood there for a while, taking comfort in each other's embrace, grateful to have survived the ordeal unscathed.

As Taehyung whispered the words, "Shhhh everything is okay," he snapped his fingers and Y/n's head felt dizzy. She couldn't keep herself upright and let her body collapse into Taehyung's arms. He held her close and made his way towards their castle, mounted on horseback with Y/n still in his arms.

He carried her through the castle's halls and took her to his bedroom.

Taehyung raised his hand, and a golden healing power emanated from his fingertips, directed towards Y/n's injured hand. The wound began to heal, closing up before their very eyes.

Taehyung's eyes blazed with an intense fury as he focused on tending to the wound on Y/n's arm. His fingers moved with deft precision, working to heal the cut with a gentle touch that was both reassuring and comforting. Despite his anger, there was a softness in his voice as he spoke in hushed tones, promising to keep her safe from all harm. As he finished, he leaned in close to her, placing a tender kiss on her forehead, his words ringing clear, "I will always protect you from the evil eyes that seek to harm you, my love."

Little did Y/n know that the very eyes that looked at her with such love and tenderness could also be the source of the greatest obsession she would ever face.

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