Chapter 22 ✨

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Taehyung scanned the room with a hint of disappointment in his eyes as he took in the food and preparations around him. With a deep sigh, he made his way through the corridor and gently pushed open the door to the castle. As he stepped there, he quickly removed his coat and handed it over to one of the nearby guards. Rolling up his sleeves, Taehyung flexed his arms, revealing the bulging veins that ran along his forearms. He ran his hand through his hair, making it even messier than before, and unsheathed his sword. With the sword in hand, he began to practice his moves, honing his skills with each precise strike and fluid motion.

Y/n was walking around the castle, admiring the grandeur of the architecture. She was lost in the beauty of the place when she suddenly realized that she was lost. She let out a deep sigh, wondering why she always ended up wandering aimlessly. She stopped in her tracks, looking around for any signs or landmarks that could help her find her way.

As she stood there, she remembered the sweet moments she had shared with Taehyung. A soft blush spread across her cheeks as she thought about how he had taken her hand and promised her that he would protect her and the kiss they shared.

Lazily, she looked around and continued walking. She finally walked out of the castle and into the garden. She hoped to find someone to spend her time with, someone who could take her mind off her troubles.

As she walked towards the garden, her footsteps slowed down, and she eventually found herself standing in awe at the sight before her. The sun was setting, and its golden rays were casting a warm glow over the garden. In the middle of it all, Taehyung was standing, his hair ruffled by the breeze, his sword in hand.

He was practicing his sword fighting skills with his guard, and Y/n couldn't help but stare shamelessly. She watched as he moved gracefully, his form perfect, and his movements precise. She was lost in the moment, lost in the beauty of the scene before her.

She didn't realize that the fight had already ended, and Taehyung was now looking at her. He leaned on his sword and called out to her in his deep, husky voice, "Princess."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she realized she had been caught staring. She mentally cursed herself for being so careless in front of Taehyung.

As she stood there, she couldn't bear to look at Taehyung. Her gaze was fixed on the ground as she tried to avoid any contact with him. However, Taehyung seemed to be in a playful mood, and he approached her with a chuckle. He handed his sword to one of his guards before taking a step closer to her, closing the distance between them.

"What were you doing just now, Lee y/n?" he teased her.

"Nothing, I was just looking at the sun, not you," she replied, hoping to avoid any further conversation.

But Taehyung wasn't going to let her off that easily. He smiled and took her hand, leading her behind him. He then took his sword and signaled for the guards to leave. The guards bowed down and left, leaving the two of them alone.

Taehyung turned to look at her, and she still couldn't meet his gaze. "Come here," he said softly.

Y/n slowly walked towards him, her heart beating faster with every step. Taehyung took her hand and turned her around to face him. "Wanna learn?" he asked her.

She nodded her head, feeling a rush of excitement and nervousness all at once. Taehyung's smile widened, and he began to teach her the art of sword fighting, the two of them were lost in their world as they practiced together.

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