Chapter 17✨

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As Selugi spoke, her father's response was devoid of any empathy or compassion. It made her smirk. "Why not father?. She is just a mere human being. It won't take effort to kill her". Her words were callous and cold as if taking a life was nothing more than a trivial task.

Y/n was busy walking like she owned the place.
She entered the room and slammed the door shut.

Y/n pov
As I reflect on my life, I can't help but notice how much I have changed since meeting Taehyung. Despite the changes, I am still the same kind-hearted person I have always been. However, I have developed a newfound sense of protectiveness over the things I hold dear. In particular, I have grown deeply attached to Taehyung and will do anything to keep him safe from harm. I have noticed that there are people out there with lustful intentions towards him, but I will not let them come close to what is rightfully mine.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/n was taken by surprise when she suddenly saw a weapon flying towards her. It stopped just a few inches away from her, and she remained surprisingly calm and unafraid. She looked at the weapon and said, "What?" in confusion.

Then, in a moment of realization, she spoke again, this time with more determination in her voice. "Why don't you take your transformation of bird! Fiery!" she said. As soon as she uttered those words, the weapon began to glow more intensely, confirming that Y/n's words had an impact.

Y/n knew exactly what she had to do to take control of the situation. She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and cut her thumb with a sharp object. Blood oozed out of her wound, and she held her thumb over the weapon.

With a deep breath, she spoke the words that would set it free.

"Everyone wanted you in their control," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But now, NO ONE CAN CONTROL YOU. I AM SETTING YOU FREE".

As if in response, Y/n dropped a single drop of her blood onto the weapon. The moment it made contact, the weapon began to glow with an otherworldly light. The glow grew stronger and brighter until the weapon began to transform, taking on the shape of a bird.

Y/n smiled as she watched the transformation unfold before her. She reached out and touched her hair, feeling the soft strands between her fingers. The bird chirped, as if in approval, and Y/n smiled even wider.

Feeling a sense of freedom and release, Y/n let the fiery fly outside.

As soon as Feiry left the room, y/n felt a sharp pain in her chest. Her hand flew to her chest almost instinctively, and it was then that she realized something was wrong. With the pain intensifying, she doubled over and threw up blood. It was a terrifying sight, and she couldn't help but feel extremely scared.

Just as she was trying to catch her breath, Taehyung entered the room. He was taken aback by the sight of y/n holding her chest, and his heart started racing with worry. He rushed towards her and lifted her in a bridal style, placing her gently on the bed.

Summoning all the powers he possessed, Taehyung began to heal her heart. He could feel the energy flowing through him, and as he concentrated on y/n, the atmosphere around them began to change. His eyes began to glow blue, and he knew that he was on the right track.

Feiry entered and flew towards y/n.
Y/n opened her eyes a little and said," I am okay". Taehyung smiled and hugged her.
"Princess you set it free". Taehyung said.
"Yes!. Everyone wants to cage it. I don't want to treat it like a slave." Y/n said.
Taehyung smiled looking at his princess
"Now no one can control it. It can roam freely and use its powers freely". Y/n said

Taehyung's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her body closer to his. With a gentle touch, he caressed her cheek and leaned in to attach his lips to hers. He started kissing her slowly and tenderly, savoring every moment of their intimate embrace. As their lips met, Y/n eagerly responded to his kiss, surprising him with her passionate response. The two of them continued to kiss, lost in the moment, as their bodies pressed closer together with each passing second.

Taehyung lifted her shirt a bit and entered his hand.
He made her sit on his lap while kissing her. He gently bit her lip. She opened her mouth. He entered his tongue.
Their saliva mixing.
He kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

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