Chapter 24✨

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As the voice echoed through the hall, everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the sound. A shadowy figure stood at the back, and as he walked closer, his features became more visible. He was a tall man with broad shoulders, and his blonde hair was swept back to reveal piercing blue eyes that shone in the dim light. His chiseled jawline gave him a ruggedly handsome appearance, but the most striking feature was the scar that ran from his upper lip to his cheek as if he had been in a fierce battle.

Despite the scar, he wore a wicked grin as he surveyed the people before him. His eyes twinkled with a mischievous gleam, and his voice was confident and self-assured as he introduced himself, "I am Lucas, the brother of the king of Astralyn - the other devil king."

The people around him looked at him with irritation, as if they had seen another arrogant fool. Luna was the first to speak up, her voice laced with disdain, "We have got another fool here." Yoongi couldn't help but smirk at his mate's boldness, while Jisso rolled her eyes and added, "For real."

The atmosphere was thick with a heavy silence, only broken by the sound of horse hooves echoing through the corridor. All heads turned to the entrance, where a man in a magnificent black horse, surrounded by his soldiers, came into view. He was unmistakably the king of Astralyn, with his striking oceanic blue eyes, black hair, and a crown that glittered in his hand.

As he dismounted from the horse, the king strode towards the prince, ex-king, and queen with a smirk on his face. His presence was imposing, and the air seemed to crackle with tension. Prince Jin bowed low with a heavy sigh,
"Greetings to King Jackson".

The rest of the people in the room followed suit, bowing down before their powerful monarch. The king looked at them with a smug expression, as if relishing the power he held over them. Astralyn was known for its dark practices, sacrificing pure humans to gain power, and King Jackson's arrival only served to make the situation more ominous.

The king's soldiers stood behind him, their armor clanking as they shifted their weight from foot to foot. The room was filled with a sense of apprehension and unease, as everyone waited for the king to speak. His gaze swept over them, his eyes lingering on each person in turn, before finally settling on the ex-king and queen. The silence stretched on, broken only by the sound of their breathing, as they waited for what he would say next.

With a scowl etched on his face, Jackson scanned the area intently, hoping to catch a glimpse of his enemy. However, to his disappointment, he found that his enemy was nowhere in sight. Taking a deep breath, he turned towards Mr. Kim with a weary expression.

"You must be exhausted after the long voyage. Allow me to show you to your quarters," he said with a courteous nod.

Jackson followed Mr. Kim inside, his heart heavy with the weight of disappointment.

As soon as Jackson left, Mrs. Kim's eyes darted around the room in search of her son. She couldn't find him and asked in a worried voice, "Where is my son?". RM's response was not reassuring, "We don't know. He disappeared without telling us". Mrs. Kim's face furrowed with concern as she thought of the worst-case scenario, "What if he fails?". Rm spoke with conviction, "Please don't underestimate him. Even though he is known as the evilest devil king, he might have a sense of morality and refrain from harming humans while protecting his kingdom".

Rm paused briefly before adding, "But we must be careful of Jackson, he is still a devil king, after all".

Luna's voice echoed, "Do you know where my angel is?"
JK replied with concern, "Yes, she is currently outside with Lily. As for Taehyung, he's not around at the moment. It might be safer for her to stay away from Jackson for now.

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