Chapter 26✨

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As his dark voice echoed throughout the corridor. A shiver ran down to everyone's spine including Jackson's. Jackson backed off and left her throat harshly.
He rolled his eyes but soon he flinched when his heart ached at pain like something was squeezing his heart.
He glared at Taeghyung.
"Stop fucking glaring at me". Taehyung said harshly.

He approached y/n with slow, hesitant steps, his heart aching as he beheld her being overtaken by an ominous force. "Love," Taehyung murmured softly, his voice filled with anguish and concern. "Stay away from me, you devil!" Y/n exclaimed, her voice quivering with fear as she brandished a knife in his direction.

As he reached out to gently stroke her cheek, she turned her head away, causing a surge of frustration and a pang of sorrow to well up within him.

She hesitantly stepped back from him, her heart pounding in her chest. His eyes seemed to grow darker as he picked up on her fear.
"Stop being afraid, princess," Taehyung murmured, his voice slow and deliberate.
She brandished her knife, her hand trembling slightly. As he advanced towards her, his eyes took on a faint red glow, and she could feel her pulse quicken.
"Stay back," she warned, her voice steady despite her unease.

He took steps towards her and grabbed the knife. Its sharp edge caused his skin to shed blood. The knife was fully covered in blood.
"Please". She said
Taehyung hummed and groaned his lips making her eyes wider.
He smiled as he sensed her loosened the knife.
He threw it away.

The guard working for Jackson skillfully intercepted the knife and swiftly fled from the scene.

As Taehyung enveloped her in a warm embrace, his hand caressed her hair with a gentle, rhythmic motion. "It's okay, princess, calm down. Everything is fine," he murmured softly while tenderly patting her back. Gradually, black spots began to cloud her vision, and she succumbed to unconsciousness in his protective embrace. Taehyung cradled her delicately, ensuring her safety and comfort.

He delicately wrapped the soft white bandage around your injury, his touch gentle and reassuring. With a tender smile, he lifted you in his arms, holding you close in a protective embrace as he carried you to his room. Carefully laying you down on the comfortable bed, he gazed at you with warmth in his eyes. "I'll always be there to protect you, no matter what," he promised, leaning in to place a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead.


As the clock struck dinner time, everyone gathered around the table. Taehyung, accompanied by his friends, took his seat as the maid served the dinner. As the delicious aroma filled the air, everyone started eating. However, Taehyung began to feel uneasy as he picked up his fork. A sense of weakness overcame him, and he could feel his powers waning. He clenched his fists tightly, trying to regain his composure.

As the hours slipped by, the evening arrived. "Let's proceed with our plan," Jackson declared, determination in his voice. He carefully inspected the contents of the bottle before approaching the maid. With a bag filled with gold and the potion in hand, he handed it over to her. "Mix this into his dinner," Jackson instructed. "Understood, Your Highness," the maid acknowledged.


"Are you okay, Taehyung?" Jin asked, his eyes filled with concern and worry as he observed Taehyung closely.

"I'm... I'm okay," Taehyung replied, but his struggle was evident as he fought to maintain control over his weakening powers.

Jungkook rose from his seat and gently intertwined his fingers with Taehyung's. As their hands touched, Taehyung's powers seemed to drain from him, leaving him visibly drained and pale. Eventually, he collapsed to the ground, unable to withstand the strain.

"Oh my god," Mrs. Kim shouted, her voice filled with a mix of fear and desperation as she frantically looked at her son, Taehyung, who was lying on the couch. Tears welled up in her eyes as she uttered, "My son," her voice quivering with emotion. As she wiped away her tears, she noticed Taehyung growing paler, which only heightened her distress.

Luna, who was standing nearby, observed the situation and expressed her concern, "He is growing paler," her voice echoing the urgency of the moment.

Jungkook, with a sense of urgency, hurried to assist Taehyung, carefully laying him down on the couch and offering his support.

In the midst of the commotion, Mr. Kim's voice cut through the tension, "Call the doctor now," he demanded, his tone reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Melee rushed into the room, concern etched on his face. "Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. "Check my son," Mr. Kim said urgently.

Mr. Lee nodded and quickly moved to check the young man's pulse. His eyes widened in shock. "Someone gave him moon poison," Mr. Lee announced, his voice trembling with concern.

The room fell silent as everyone gasped in fear, their hearts racing with anticipation of what would happen next. "His powers are weakened, and he is now worse off than a mortal," Mr. Lee explained, his words hanging heavily in the air.

"Mr. Lee informed everyone that it would take three days for his powers to regain after giving him some medicine," Mr. Kim expressed concern, "Oh no, the spring lantern festival is the day after tomorrow!"

Jin reassured everyone, "It's going to be okay. Let's leave and let him have some rest." With that, everyone left the room, hoping for the best.


As you reached there, As your fingertips gently traced the contours of his hair, you drew closer to him. "You are going to be okay," you whispered softly, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead.

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