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Thick black clouds shrouded the moon, casting an eerie darkness over the land. Yet, the faint moonlight managed to penetrate the dark veil, illuminating her delicate face and casting a gentle glow upon her. The King gazed at her with eyes filled with love, his fondness for her evident in every glance. To him, she was a precious jewel, a treasure to be cherished forever.

As the devil approached her, the moonlight continued to embrace her body, highlighting her innocent features and radiance. His heartbeats quickened, his eyes transfixed on her face, which exuded purity and grace. With a sudden surge of energy, his eyes changed color to a magnificent golden hue, and a golden outline began to form around his wings, lending them an ethereal grace. As his wings began to flap, the golden outline added even more sparkle to his already mesmerizing appearance. As the king stood there, he couldn't help but realize the gravity of his actions. It was strictly forbidden for a devil to fall in love, let alone with a human. He knew he had to leave and return to his world, but the pull of his heart was too strong.

Slowly, he made his way toward her bed, his golden eyes scanning every feature of her face as if he were learning it. Sitting down on the edge of her bed, he spread his wings and looked at her with boundless affection. Her beauty was unlike anything he had ever seen, and it made his breath catch in his throat. He looked at her with his golden eyes, taking her into his embrace and covering her with his wings, careful not to let his powers harm her fragile form. As he held her close, his heart raced with an intensity he had never felt before. Exhausted, he eventually fell asleep, admiring her even in the depths of his slumber. At that moment, the room was enveloped by a sense of tranquility that he had never experienced before.

As the first rays of dawn began to peek over the horizon, he awoke, shocked to find himself lying next to a woman for the first time in his long existence. With sudden urgency, he rose from the bed, flapping his wings rapidly as he rushed to open the portal and return to his world, leaving behind the memories of his forbidden love.

As he arrived in his world, he felt a rush of excitement and hurried to attend his meeting. However, throughout the entire meeting, his thoughts kept drifting to her.

Meanwhile, in the mortal world, the warm rays of the sun gently touched her face, causing her to open her eyes. As she rose from her bed, her eyes sparkled with a sense of calm, as if she had the best sleep of her life. She went downstairs, and as she passed by, everyone present was envious of her radiant glow.

Sophie looked at her with a hint of jealousy and spoke through gritted teeth, "How was your sleep, you ugly thing?"

Y/n replied sarcastically, "Oh, it was just lovely, you whore!"

Her bold reply made everyone stunned.

In the devil's world, the devil is consumed by thoughts of her, unable to concentrate on his work. His frustration boils over, and he hurls the table against the window, shattering glass everywhere. Yet, even in his anger, her image remains in his mind, and a sly smile spreads across his face. As he realizes what he's done, his expression turns serious, but a mad grin soon returns, hinting at the depths of his obsession.

Taehyung pov: she is freaking so cute. Her eyelids, her cute little nose, and those cherry-plump lips. I wanna eat them so bad. The more I ignored her the more my heart beats for her.
He ignored his feelings and poured himself into his work.
Meanwhile, in the mortal world, the girl was busy spreading her kindness by distributing cupcakes and playing with orphans. She was giggling. Innocence was reflected through her smile. Soon black clouds started to appear everywhere indicating it was going to rain soon.

"I'll be going back," she said with a smile plastered on her face. "Unnie! No" the kid said with his puppy eyes making it hard for y/n to resist. "I'll come back often Min-ho". The kid bopped his head. Y/n smiled looking at them.
She was walking while thinking about the room and mansion.

She saw an old lady trying to cross the road. She intentionally went next to the lady and held her hand making the grandma stunned. She helped the grandma cross the road.
The lady smiled while looking at her and spoke in her sweet voice, "Indeed! Heavens have chosen the perfect match for our lord". Y/N didn't know what she was saying so she smiled and bowed to a lady while going back. She went back home.
Her aunt slapped her face hard making her wince in pain. Alexandra smirked while looking at her, "Aunt, why did you do that?".
The aunt spoke with her gritted teeth," Because you called my daughter whore! SLUT". Y/N's mom interrupted and dragged Y/N from there and threw her harshly into the room

Y/n began to pound on the door with a sense of urgency, crying out in agony, "Mom! Please, open the door!" As she stood there, her eyes darted towards the window and suddenly, all her worries seemed to vanish. She made her way over to it and let out a light-hearted giggle when the wind gently caressed her body. Her gaze was transfixed on the sky, where the stars were twinkling and shining like diamonds in the darkness.

Y/n pov:
Mom and Dad! I've heard that if our loved one dies. They didn't leave us. They transformed into one sparkling star.

As she lay on her bed, a chuckle escaped her lips as she thought about the silly things she had done earlier. Her eyelids grew heavy, and soon she drifted off to sleep, her breathing becoming slow and even.

Meanwhile, the devil sat at his desk, trying to focus on his work. But his heart was beating faster than usual, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. He knew he had to see her. He stood up, sighed, and made his way to the portal that connected his world to the mortal world. As he opened the portal, his eyes glowed with a golden light, and he stepped through.

When he saw her figure, his heart skipped a beat. He knew he had fallen deeply in love with her, though he couldn't explain how or when it had happened. He only knew that he had made his heartbeat.

Taehyung POV: I never knew that this day will come. she made my cold heart feel alive once again.

He made his way towards her, his eyes filled with fondness as he gazed at her.


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