Chapter 18 ✨

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Taehyung slowly released his embrace on Y/n, whispering her name softly. She hummed contentedly, snuggling deeper into his arms. He spoke up, his eyes gleaming with excitement, "Princess, we have a date planned for today. Get ready, I'll be waiting for you downstairs." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before making his way out of the room.

Y/n stretched out on the bed, still lost in the warmth of Taehyung's embrace. She let out a lazy sigh, her mind drifting off as she closed her eyes. The next thing she knew, she was jolted awake by the sound of her alarm. She checked the time and groaned, realizing that it was already afternoon. She quickly got up, her heart racing as she realized she was running late for the date.

Y/n rushed to her closet, scanning through the dozens of clothes she owned. After half an hour of searching, she finally found the perfect outfit - a blue floral dress that reached her knees paired with a white pair of sneakers. She hurriedly made her way to the washroom, changing into her outfit and combing her hair, which naturally fell straight and reached her waist. She applied a little bit of lip gloss and brushed her lashes before giving herself a last glance in the mirror.

As Y/n made her way downstairs, Jisso stopped her in her tracks. "You look stunning, dear!" Jisso complimented her, admiring her dress. Y/n thanked her quickly before running outside, feeling a little out of breath.

As she approached the castle door, Y/n saw Taehyung leaning on his horse, dressed in a light brown shirt and dark brown pants. His hair was perfectly combed, and he looked incredibly handsome in his casual attire. When he caught sight of her, his heartbeat quickened, and he couldn't help but stare at her in awe. Y/n was wearing a blue floral dress that reached her knees, and she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Y/n was running towards Taehyung when he noticed that her shoelaces were untied and she was about to trip. Taehyung quickly reached out and caught her fragile body before she could fall. He helped her sit on the horse and then knelt down to tie her shoelaces properly.

After making sure that everything was in place, Taehyung hopped onto the horse and grabbed the reins. He pulled them gently to set the pace and make sure that his love was comfortable. Eclipse slowly started to run, and Taehyung held onto Y/n's waist with one hand to keep her steady.

As they rode towards the mall, Y/n grabbed Taehyung's hand and held it tightly. She looked up at him with a smile, and he kissed her forehead to show his love and affection.

Finally, Eclipse stopped outside the mall, and Taehyung helped Y/n to dismount. He took her hand and led her inside, ready to spend the day together.

As they made their way inside the mall, Y/n was immediately taken aback by the dazzling array of clothes on display. She walked around, admiring the various outfits, but was hesitant to touch anything, fearing she might not be able to afford them. However, the sight of a beautiful blue dress caught her eye, and she couldn't resist the urge to feel it. She ran her fingers over the soft fabric, but quickly let it go, realizing it was too expensive for her budget.

Just then, Tae noticed the look of disappointment on her face and knew he had to do something to make her happy. He saw her eyeing the dress and without hesitation, he grabbed it and turned to the staff. "Pack all the dresses," he said, with a sense of authority. The staff quickly obliged, knowing better than to question the wishes of their lord.

Y/n was taken aback by Tae's gesture, unable to comprehend why he would spend so much on clothes. "Tae, but they are so expensive," she said, her voice trembling. "Anything for you love," he replied, with a reassuring smile. He took her hand and led her out of the mall, knowing that he had made her day.

As they walked into the restaurant, the atmosphere changed. Everyone stood up and immediately bowed down to Taehyung, who was dressed in his finest attire. Ignoring the attention, Taehyung held y/n's hand and led her to a nearby table.

As they approached, an elderly couple sitting nearby were stunned to see their lord with a girl. However, their expression changed as they noticed the way Taehyung was looking at y/n - with a sense of admiration and love.

Just then, the waiter, Waitee, came over to take their order. "What would you like to have, your highness?" he said, while looking at y/n with a sense of lust in his eyes. Taehyung noticed this and quickly gave him a signal to behave himself. However, the waiter ignored the signal and continued to stare at y/n inappropriately.

Taehyung's eyes darkened and he yelled, "EYES ON THE GROUND!" The waiter immediately flinched and looked at the ground. "What would you like to have, my lady?" Taehyung asked, while going through the menu.

"I want kimchi fried rice, tabokki, and pizza," y/n said. Taehyung nodded and then turned to the waiter with a burning gaze. "If you dare to look at any woman again with those shitty eyes of yours, you'll see what happens," he warned. The waiter quickly replied, "Yes, Lord," and then scurried away to make their order.

Throughout their meal, Taehyung was busy admiring his princess. The old couple sitting nearby couldn't help but smile, sensing the love between the two. As they finished their meal, Taehyung paid the bill, and they left the restaurant, hand in hand.

Selugi gazed over at Y/n and saw that they were deeply engrossed in their time spent with Taehyung. Feeling a surge of anger and envy, Selugi clenched their fists and hissed under their breath,

"Just you wait until you reach the edge of the golden lake - that's when I'll make you pay for snatching what's mine".

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