Chapter 15 ✨

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Taehyung watched Y/n with a mix of surprise and admiration as she spoke fearlessly. However, Selugi, who was used to being treated like royalty, didn't appreciate y/n's boldness. "You are not supposed to talk to ME like THAT. I am your PRINCESS," Selugi snapped, gritting her teeth in frustration. Y/n, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by Selugi's outburst and simply replied with a nonchalant "Whatever."

Her expressions softened when she realized , y/n quickly composed herself and bowed respectfully to Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim before making her way upstairs.

In Taehyung's POV
I felt an immense shock that left me speechless. I couldn't believe what I had just heard; had she insulted her? The sensation of heat spread across my cheeks when she referred to me as her man. My love for her grew stronger with every passing moment.

Taehyung's smile was bright as he made his way up the stairs. His steps were measured and steady, and he seemed to be lost in thought. As he reached the top of the stairs, he seemed to transform into his normal self, and he reached out to grab the door, pushing it open with a light touch.

Entering the room, he called out for her, but there was no answer. Not finding her in any of the usual spots, he made his way towards the balcony. There, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw his princess standing safe and sound, looking up at the sky. The moon was shining beautifully, casting a soft glow across everything.

Without a moment's hesitation, Taehyung moved up behind her and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. It was clear that he had been worried, but now that he had found her, he was filled with a sense of peace and contentment.

Y/n's voice was soft and gentle as she called out his name, "Tae", trying to get his attention. However, he was lost in thought and wasn't looking at her. So, Y/n arched her brows up and turned around a little bit, pushing Taehyung with a gentle nudge.

Finally, Taehyung responded to her, "What?". Y/n's face fell with a flicker of concern as she asked, "Tae, who was she?".

Taehyung quickly reassured her that the girl was his cousin, Selugi, and that he hated her. He spoke in a soft, soothing tone, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Despite his reassurances, Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling of protectiveness towards Taehyung. She spoke with a firm voice, "I know, but Mr. Kim Taehyung, don't you dare leave me."

Taehyung's face softened as he smiled at her and promised, "I won't, love. This Kim Taehyung is yours forever."

Y/n's voice was full of emotion as she spoke again, "I can't afford to leave you. I just found you, and these unknown feelings are so beautiful. I don't want to forget them."

Taehyung pulled her close, hugging her tightly. As they stood there, they both felt the air surrounding them, and time seemed to stand still for a moment.

As the sun rose over the horizon, the palace was alive with the hustle and bustle of people getting ready for the day. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzle of bacon filled the air as everyone sat down to have their breakfast.

Selugi made her way down the stairs and greeted everyone with a pleasant "Good morning". However, the room was quiet, and no one responded. Taehyung, who was sitting at the table, was waiting for his beloved Y/n to come down.

Suddenly, Y/n came rushing down the stairs with a big smile on her face and greeted everyone cheerfully. Mrs. Kim, the mother of the family, welcomed her warmly and asked her to come and eat her breakfast. Y/n sat between Taehyung and Liana, who lifted a piece of bread and exclaimed, "Unnie!"

Y/n was delighted to see that her favourite breakfast was served and exclaimed, "Emm! It's my favorite." Everyone in the room was impressed by her enthusiasm and awed at her.

Curious about a strange noise she heard the previous night, Y/n asked Liana if she had heard anything. Liana choked on her bread and tried to play it off by saying, "N--o-thing." Y/n didn't think much of it and continued to chat with Taehyung, who was listening intently.

In the meantime, Selugi, who was jealous of Y/n's attention, glared at her with envy.

Taehyung gazed affectionately at his beloved partner who was relishing her meal with delight. He ran his fingers through her silky hair and asked her in a soft tone, "My dearest princess, would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a romantic date?" His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he awaited her response, hoping that she would say yes and make his heart skip a beat.

"Yesssssssseeseehahhhh! Taehyungshiiiiii".

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