Chapter 28 ✨

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The slivers of moonlight filtered through the windows, gently illuminating Y/N as she jolted awake. Sitting up, she stretched her arms and glanced around the room, observing her surroundings. A furrow appeared on her brow as she looked around in confusion, noticing his absence.

"Where is he?" she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible in the quiet room. With a sigh, she removed the warm blankets and slid her feet into her comfortable slippers, their soft padding barely making a sound as she walked across the room. She checked the en-suite bathroom, but he wasn't there. Opening the ornate bedroom door, she stepped out into the dimly lit corridor of the grand palace. Her elegant gown, adorned with intricate lace, swayed as she walked, her steps echoing softly against the polished marble floors. Her eyes scanned every corner as she made her way through the sprawling palace, her worry growing with every passing moment. Finally, she reached the expansive palace garden, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow over the lush greenery.

Her gaze landed on the silhouette perched on the wooden bench, his eyes fixed on the moon, his crown catching the moonlight and glistening like gold. As she approached him, her steps were deliberate and unhurried.

"Tae," she called out softly. He continued to gaze at the moon in the night sky. She slowly approached and positioned herself in front of him. Taehyung's eyes met hers, a warm hazel brown that never failed to quicken his heartbeat. He managed a weak smile in response. His eyes traveled on her neck as he saw his fang marks on her. He felt a rush of pride and satisfaction through his veins knowing she is his.

He gestured for her to come closer. She approached, and he grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him. He pulled her on his lap and grabbed her waist.
"tae are you okay?". y/n asked. Worry and concern were displayed on her face.
"Yes darling I am fine". taehyung whispered.

The first light of dawn gently caresses Taehyung's face, stirring him from his slumber. He slowly blinks his eyes open, the realization dawning on him that today is the big day. He carefully untangles himself from the warmth of his bed and heads to the washroom to freshen up. As he emerges, he gazes upon the peaceful sight of y/n's sleeping form, her adorable snores serving as a soothing melody to his heart. He moved closer to her, feeling the urge to gently brush a stray strand of hair away from her face. With a mix of restraint and tenderness, he slowly reached out, allowing his fingertips to lightly graze her hair before tucking the stray strand behind her ear.

His touch was gentle as he shook her, and she responded by turning her back to him, causing him to chuckle softly. Tenderly, he scooped her into his arms, holding her close.

"Darling, wake up. Today is the Spring Lantern Festival," he spoke. Y/N opened her eyes, wrapping her arms around him.

Taehyung stand in his changing room, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of y/n.

He can’t help but worry about her well-being and safety.
He hope that you’re safe and sound.

His infernal hellfire suddenly burst out of his body, filling the room with its intensity and power。

He try to control it, trying to bring it back inside him but it seem to have a mind of its own。

His hellfire looked at its lord.
"Lord".it spoke.

(Taehyung is the true source of the infernal hellfire. It's his magic which make him most powerful in whole universe)

Taehyung  froze, taken aback and shocked by the sudden voice coming from his infernal hellfire。

"What?" He ask, his voice low and intense。

He took the red velvet shirt and slipped it on, the fabric soft and smooth against his skin。

He look at himself in the mirror, the shirt looking good on him and enhancing his already handsome features.

He grab the black fitted pants and slip it on, the pants fitting him like a glove and hugging his body in all the right places。

He look at himself in the mirror, pleased with how he look like.

He take the black cloak made out of dragon skin, feeling the luxurious and expensive material between his fingers。

He slip it on, the cloak falling gracefully down his body and making him look like a god。

He take the black boots and slip them on, the black leather contrasting against his red shirt and black pants。

He look down at himself, feeling powerful and dangerous.

He take the black necklace made from dragon scale and slipped it on, the scales shimmering and glittering in the light。

He look at himself in the mirror, the necklace making him look even more regal and majestic。

He take the half-cut black demonic gloves and slip them on, the gloves hugging his hands and making them look deadly and dangerous。

He flex his fingers, feeling the power that seems to thrum through the gloves.

He take his sword and strap it to his side, the blade gleaming and shimmering in the light。

He feel the weight of the blade on his hip, a reassurance and a reminder of his power and strength。

He look up and watch as his crown appears on his head, the crown made of dark metal and encrusted with blood red gemstones。

He reach up and straighten it, feeling powerful and regal with the crown adorning his head。

His wings burst out of his back, filling the room with their dark black scales and their magnificence and power。

He spread them out, stretching them as if he’s not used to having them out。

He finally look at his reflection in the mirror, seeing the culmination of all his outfit and gear in one。

He look intimidating, powerful and dangerous with the infernal hellfire and his wings。

As y/n strolled down the grand hallway, she savored each bite of her delectable cupcake. Her flowing white hanfu draped gracefully around her, complementing the gentle movement of her hair. With an ethereal presence, she appeared like an angel descended from the heavens.

Exiting the palace gates, she observed numerous demons in the midst of testing their formidable powers.

Lily eagerly pulled y/n along with her, complimenting her, "You look so beautiful, dear." Y/n responded with a warm smile, hugging Lily in return. "Thanks, unnie. You look like a queen," y/n said, beaming with cute joy.

Lily and all her companions stood in a line, facing the terrifying beast. As they each swung their swords, the blades clashed together, creating a cacophony of metallic sounds. Suddenly, a surge of rainbow-colored water burst forth, surrounding and enveloping the beast in a dazzling display of magic.

"now its time for the battle between lord taehyung and lord jackson".
priest announced

(Well lovelies ...
In 28 chapter I'll write the spring lantern festival events in detail)

Love from your author 💟

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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