Chapter 20✨

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Y/n squinted her eyes open when she felt someone giving her warm kisses.
She blinked her eyes to clear her vision. Her eyes stuck on Taehyung who was giving her warm kisses on her neck
Y/n groaned. Taehyung looked at her and said.
, "princess".
Y/n hummed still being sleepy
Her eyes jolted open when her mind recalled memories.
"Annhyoung (no)."
She said while her palms and forehead started sweating
Taehyung sensed y/n body getting heated up
"Princess. Princess". Taehyung said while shaking her
Taehyung hugged her and caressed her back to calm her down
"Princess. It's okay. Everything is fine. My love you are in my arms."
Taehyung said while stroking her hair.
Taehyung sighed when she felt y/n calming down.
"Princess". Taehyung said
Y/n didn't respond which made Taehyung's muscles tense up
He started tickling y/n
She burst out laughing
"Tae stop".
Y/n said
Taehyung smiled and kissed her cheeks before lifting her and heading towards the closet.

The group of brothers made their way down the stairs, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the empty halls. As they reached the bottom, Namjoon's gaze fell upon Taehyung, who was making his way down with him. "Tae! We want to talk with you," he said to him, his voice heavy with concern. Taehyung hummed and nodded his head, following Namjoon to his office where everyone was already present.

Jin gestured for Taehyung to take a seat, and he did so, his brows furrowed as he looked at his brothers, trying to figure out what was going on. Namjoon looked at his brother with a heavy heart and said, "Taehyung, I'm sorry. You have just found your happiness."

Taehyung's heart sank at his brother's words, and the reality of the situation slowly started to dawn on him. "Just speak, hyung," he said, bracing himself for whatever news was to come.

Jim sighed and said, "Tae, we've just received a letter from Astralyn Kingdom."

Taehyung's muscles tensed up, and his eyes darkened, the mention of the kingdom filling him with dread. He knew how bad that kingdom was. They had a reputation for sacrificing humans to gain power, and their king had sacrificed more than a thousand humans in the last thousand years.

"What did it say?" Taehyung asked his voice husky with anger, his mind racing with all the possible implications of the letter.

Jin explained, "I know we've never received a letter due to the rivalry, but the king of Astralyn wants to solve the rivalry between us. He sends us a letter, and he will visit our kingdom."

Taehyung's eyes filled with rage, and he slammed his hand on the table, making the walls shake. "What the f*ck, hyung? Why is he coming here?" he asked, his voice rising with each word.

Jin sighed, trying to calm him down. "Tae, calm down. Think about y/n. She has a pure soul. He will surely hurt her."

Taehyung's muscles tensed up even more, his fists clenched tightly. He stumbled back, his pain evident in his voice. "He had already snatched my happiness once. I won't let him take her away. I'll protect her with everything I have," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Namjoon sighed and suggested, "We've only one solution, Tae. Let y/n go and free her from all these miseries."

Taehyung felt a pang in his chest and dropped his eyes, not wanting to look at his hyungs. "Think about it," Namjoon said, leaving the room in silence. The weight of the decision hung heavily on Taehyung's shoulders as he sat there, lost in thought.

Taehyung was looking down while walking behind his hyungs. He sighed knowing he had to make this decision. His heart was feeling an immense pain.

He made his way towards his office. He didn't want to face his princess after what happened

Y/n was busy thinking about Taehyung
Taehyung didn't come to the castle for a month
Her face was pale
She was lost in her thoughts
When someone called her from behind
Y/n looked up and she didn't want to
But tears left her eyes when she looked at Luna standing
Luna hugged her and Patt her back to calm her down
"Unnie. Where is he? I love him. Please I don't want to lose him"
Luna smiled looking at the younger crying for his tae
"He will come tonight". Luna said
Y/n smiled and her heart did multiple jumps
"Now go and get ready. It's already evening".
Y/n bopped her head and dashed outside.

As Taehyung heard those words, "Tae you have to explain this to her," his heart sank and he felt a sharp pain. He knew that explaining things to her would be difficult and he was trying his best to control his emotions. He let out a deep sigh and looked down, feeling helpless. Sensing his distress, Namjoon tried to console him by saying, "It's okay. She will be yours. But now fate is not with you both." Taehyung knew that Namjoon was right, but he couldn't help feeling disappointed. He let out a heavy chuckle and said, "F*ck fate, I don't care. She is mine." He then mounted his horse and rode away, determined to put this disappointment behind him.

Taehyung looked at his castle and made his way inside.
His mom and everyone were waiting for him
He looked around to get a glimpse of her.
He looked down shattered
His eyes told the darkest of his secrets but no one can read it except his princess.
Mr. Kim sighed looking at his son.
A voice filled with lust
Taehyung rolled his eyes. he knew he had to endure it to save his princess
Selugi came and hugged Taehyung
Taehyung let her do whatever she wants
He put his one hand on her waist barely touching it
"Annhyoung mo-". Y/n stopped talking when he looked at Taehyung hugging Selugi

Taehyung looked up. His eyes meet with her. Her eyes showed how pain she was feeling
Taehyung slightly pushed Selugi and made his way outside ignoring y/n.
At the dinner table,
Y/n was ignoring Taehyung like he didn't exist.
The silence was filled.
Taehyung was taking glances at her from time to time.

After dinner, Taehyung was about to leave when selugi grabbed his arm and kisses his cheek
Witnessing the scene, tears formed in y/n eyes and she left the table

It was already midnight.

Taehyung pov
I am sorry princess. I am sorry for my angle. I am doing this just to protect you love. Try to understand your tae.

He was walking silently. He stopped when he heard someone sobbing
He looked around and his heartbeat stopped looking at his love crying miserably.
She was sitting near the flowers and moonlight was falling on her.
Fireflies were sitting on the flowers.

His heartbeat stopped when he heard those words from her mouth
"I F***ING loathe you Kim taehyung!. Where are the promises you made. You let someone else touch you."
Y/n said while crying her heart out.

Taehyung heart bearing was fast
He made his way towards his princess and looked at her.
He sat beside her.
As soon as y/n felt someone presence behind her, she looked at him.
Her anger grew when she looked at Taehyung
"Stay away". Y/n said while glaring at him
She stood up and was about to leave when Taehyung grabbed her wrist and pushed her backwards. She fall on his lap.
"Leave me you jerk". Y/n said while hitting his chest
She was turning aggressive as the second passe.
*Princess". Taehyung said
"Don't call ne princess. I'm not your princess ". Y/n said while struggling to get out

Taehyung grabbed her neck and kissed her.
She calmed down when she felt his soft lips on hers.
The moment was romantic.
After 4 to 5 min, he let her go.

"Princess". Taehyung said
"Shhhh. Listen to me first". Taehyung said
"Annhyoung leave me orelse I'll break your bones". Y/n snapped at him

Taehyung chuckled and whispered huskily,

"Why working so hard just order and Ill kill myself".


Just tell me if my way if explanation is not good.
I'll try my best to make it good as possible
Enjoy your day
Love from your author 🕸️

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