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As Taehyung gazed at her, his eyes softened with tenderness. He couldn't help but admire every feature of her face, starting from her bright eyes to her cute nose, but his attention was fixated on her plump lips. He yearned to kiss them passionately, but he restrained himself, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Taehyung's pov:
when I could finally claim her heart and kiss those luscious strawberry lips.

A smile crept onto his face, and he leaned in to affectionately kiss her eyes before settling down on the bed, pulling her into his embrace.

He wrapped his veiny hand around her waist and drew her close to him, resting her head on his arms. As he held her, he closed his eyes and cast a spell, hoping to bind her to him forever. However, he knew that his powers were no match for her charm.

Liana was feeling quite scared and anxious as she spoke, "I was afraid! What would happen if Kris did something wrong?" She was clearly worried about something serious happening to Taehyung and his mate.

Jhope could sense her fear and quickly stepped in to console her. "Nothing will happen. Everything's fine," he reassured her, trying to offer some comfort.

Despite Jhope's kind words, Liana couldn't help but express her concerns. "I am just afraid because after so many years Taehyung finally found his happiness. What would happen if someone snatched it all away?" she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Jhope understood her fears but firmly believed that Taehyung and his mate were meant to be together. "They are mates. Nothing could separate them. And I still don't understand what made Kris attacked us," he said thoughtfully.

Liana then began to explain the reason behind Kris's actions. "Kris was holding a grudge against Taehyung for a long time. Do you remember when Taehyung was named the most powerful devil at just 10 years old? Kris was jealous of him. Even though Taehyung treated him like a brother, Kris betrayed him. He wanted to take his revenge on him, so he found the perfect timing. Our Taehyung has already suffered a lot," she revealed.

Jhope nodded, understanding the situation better now. They continued to discuss the matter at hand, hoping to find a solution to help their friend Taehyung.

Y/n woke up from her deep slumber and yawned, feeling her eyes heavy with sleep. She rubbed them harshly, trying to get rid of the drowsiness. Suddenly, Taehyung grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, causing her to feel a little startled. "Emm! What", she said while struggling to free herself from his grip. Taehyung leaned in and kissed her eyes softly, making her giggle and open her eyes. "Good Morning", she said, still feeling a little dazed. "It's already night", Taehyung replied, making her look around and nod her head in agreement.

Y/n looked at Taehyung, wearing casual clothes for the first time. He looked so different yet so handsome, she couldn't help but admire him. Before she could say anything, Taehyung trapped her between his arms. "May--" he started, but Y/n's stomach growled loudly, interrupting him. Feeling a little embarrassed, Y/n looked around in different directions, avoiding Taehyung's gaze.

Taehyung held Y/n's waist and pulled her up, making her hug him like a koala. He made his way downstairs, with his love still yawning. Taehyung made her sit on the kitchen counter and rolled up his sleeves. He opened the stove, and Y/n couldn't help but notice how skilled he was in cooking. "Oh, he can also cook!" she thought to herself. "But isn't he the king?" she wondered, feeling a little confused.

Taehyung looked at her and made his way towards her. He put his both hands beside her legs, leaned in, and spoke softly, "What do you want to eat, princess?". Y/n uttered, "You are the king, why are you cooking for me? And also, I am not the princess". Taehyung chuckled and whispered, while caressing her cheeks, "You are not just the princess. You are my queen. And I can do anything for you, even if it means killing myself". Y/n blinked her eyes, trying to understand him.

Taehyung put on the pen and cooked some ramen for her. She sat there, enjoying his company, feeling grateful for having such a caring and loving partner.

The man before her was a sight to behold, his chiseled features reminiscent of a Greek god descended from the heavens. His bangs were covering eyes only accentuated the alluring hazel hue of his gaze, which remained fixed on the pen he held in his hand. With great care, he placed the steaming bowl of ramen before her, a small smile gracing his lips as he handed it over.

"Eat it, princess," he said in a low voice, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Y/n eagerly took the first bite, relishing the delicious flavors that exploded in her mouth. As she chewed, she couldn't help but let out a quiet moan of pleasure.

"It's so tasty," she murmured, still looking at the ramen in awe.

"You want some?" she offered, gesturing to the bowl.

Taehyung shook his head, declining the offer.

Undeterred, she picked up her chopsticks and held a piece of meat up to his lips, urging him to try it for himself. He acquiesced, opening his mouth to allow her to feed him.


Taehyung gently guided y/n to lay on the bed, taking care not to hurt her. As he leaned over her, he noticed a weapon flying towards him, stopping just inches from his neck. He raised an eyebrow in surprise as y/n gestured for the weapon to stay away, causing it to fly backward.

"What was that, princess?" Taehyung asked, his teeth gritted in frustration. "Care to explain?"

"Nothing," y/n replied, looking away.

"Would you like to explain, or should I use my ways to find out?" Taehyung threatened. "What's this sh*t doing here?"

"Tae!" y/n interrupted, trying to calm him down.

"What?" Taehyung asked, turning to face her.

"It considered me as its master," y/n explained. "I did a little bit of research on it. It belonged to the fire element."

"You are what? Its MASTER? But you are a mortal princess," Taehyung exclaimed, surprised by her revelation.

"I know, Taehyung. I wanted to tell you this," Y/n replied, looking at him with worry in her eyes.

Taehyung smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, love! You can practice around once you get familiar with your surroundings," he said, hugging her tightly.

an unknown voice yelled, "WHERE'S THE FIRE ELEMENT?"
The guard trembled at the sudden outburst of their master.

"It's found it, master," the guard replied, shivering in fear.

"May I know who is he?" the unknown person asked.

"She is Kim y/n, the mate of Kim Taehyung,"

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