Chapter 12 ✨

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Guard shivered as the king of Mythoria laughed.
He yelled, "That little creature. I'll crush her under my feet. My daughter should be the queen of the devil world."

"Go and call selugi". Mr. Park shouted
The guard ran from there.

He reached her door and heard some moans from inside.
He arched his brows in confusion.

"Do it faster". Selugi shouted.
Her back arched as the guy f***** her hard.
She threw the money in his face and told him to go.

She cleaned herself and put on the bathrobe.
The guard knocked gulping his saliva.
"King is calling you Your Highness!".
"I am coming. Informed him". Selugi went inside to take a bath and cleaned herself from the sh*** she had done.

Maids came and dressed her. She came outside and went downstairs.

She made her way towards the royal room
"You called me dad." She said.
"I did! I've to tell you something". Mr. Park said looking at her dad.
She hummed
"We're going to the kingdom of Kim's".Mr. Park informed her.
Her eyes widened looking at her father.
"You've to manipulate Taehyung". Mr.Park said
Selugi eyes sparkled when she heard about her cousin Taehyung.
"When will we go, Dad?". Selugi asked.
"Tomorrow we'll leave. Let the game begin".
Taehyung was hugging his princess while resting his chin on her shoulder. She was busy taking care of the flowers which Taehyung planted for her.

"Look at me too". Taehyung said whining.
Y/n turned back making him break the hug.
"What". Y/n said being annoyed
"Nothing I want your attention".
Y/n hummed and left the room making him stunned

Taehyung was shocked looking at her behavior.
He walked downstairs. His eyes traveled everywhere.

"Taehyung won't you meet your appa". Jhope said.
Taehyung nodded and came downstairs.
Mr. Kim smiled when he saw his son coming towards him
They hugged each other.
"How was the trip, papa?". Taehyung spoke
"It was nice and I am the tire--". Mr. Kim stopped speaking when he looked at y/n who was busy laughing with Mrs. Kim.
He sensed that she was mortal.
"Hey son! Is she your mate". Mr. Kim asked.
"Yeah!". Taehyung spoke while scratching his neck.
"Oh my! She is so beautiful. Take care of her or else I'll break your legs". Mr. Kim said strictly.
"I will dad". Taehyung said looking at her.
"Ok so finally my wish can come true". His dad spoke.
"What wish appa?". Taehyung said still admiring her.
"I want grandchildren. Not less than 5".
Taehyung eyes widened and a blush ran through his cheeks casting a little pink shade.
Mr. Kim's eyes widened when he saw his son blushing.

"Oh my god! My son is BLUSHING". his dad spoke.
Y/n looked at them.

Mrs. Kim looked at her husband and went near him.
"Where's my sweets?". Mrs.Kim asked.
Sweats appeared on his forehead as he said lowly," Oh I forgot to bring honey!".
" You what?". Mrs. Kim looked at him and glared at him.

Y/n giggled loudly catching everyone's attention.
"Oh hehe! You may continue". Y/n said looking away

"Come here, daughter". Mr. Kim called her
Y/n came towards him and bowed down
They looked at her shocked.
"No need to be formal dear!" Mr. Kim said
Y/n nodded
"How are you uncl---".
Mr. Kim cut off y/n and said dramatically," Common dear! I am not that much old. Call me dad"
"How are you dad". Y/n spoke.

Tears filled her eyes as it was her first time calling someone a dad.

Taehyung muscles tensed up when he saw tears in his love eyes.
He went towards her and caressed her cheeks.
"What happened princess? Why are you crying". Taehyung said. His eyes were filled with worry.
"Nothing big! It was my first time addressing someone as a dad". Y/n said looking down.
Taehyung grabbed her chin and made her look upwards
"It's okay princess! Don't cry."
Taehyung said while wiping her tears.
Mr. Kim smiled looking at his son happy after such a long time.
"Oh, my daughter! Consider me as your father."
Mr. Kim spoke.
Y/n broke the hug and she nodded
Mr. Kim patted her head.
"What's your age dear". Mr. Kim said while smiling
"18". Y/n spoke
Mr. Kim's eyes widened like his eyes were going to come out of its socket
"So small". He mumbled.
Everyone laughed at his whispering.

Their laugh was disturbed by a guard.
"What happened Charlie". Mr. Kim asked looking at him
Charlie opened the letter and said," It is from the kingdom of Mythoria".
"Read it". Mrs. Kim spoke.

"King Park and Queen Park along with his daughter Selugi are going to visit Kim's kingdom. They wanted to stay here till the grand hall".

"What. Grand hall will take place after 4 years. Why so early". Mrs. Kim said.
"We can't stop them." Mr.Kim sighed

"Oh sh**! Selugi". Liana uttered.
They looked at Taehyung who doesn't give a sh*t to the news and was busy admiring his princess.
"Oh, that slut is after my son". Mrs. Kim spoke lowly.
"What if they asked Taehyung's hand in marriage". Jisoo spoke
"We can't stop them". Mr.Kim spoke

"Taehyung I wanna talk with you". Mr. Kim spoke seriously.
Taehyung nodded and went towards his office to have a conversation.

Mr. Kim locked the door and gestured for Taehyung to sit.
"What happened Appa?". Taehyung said looking at his dad.
"Leave y/n". Mr.Kim spoke
Taehyung stood up as he heard something unexpected.
"What are you saying Dad. I can do anything but I can't stay away from her". Taehyung spoke.

"She is innocent Taehyung. Selugi and her parents are coming. She will surely hurt y/n to have you. She wants power and royalty. Don't ruin her innocence. Let her go".
As soon as these words escaped from his lips, Taehyung expression changed.
His eyes darkened. He looked at his dad with dark eyes and spoke huskily, "I'll never let that happen. She is mine. She'll stay with me".
Mr. Kim looked at Taehyung with a sad expression and exclaimed, "I am sorry son! But this is the truth soon you have to let her go. Fate will make you meet each other."
Taehyung heartbeat quickened. He didn't want to let her go.
Not wanting to listen any further, he hummed and left the room.

Y/n looked at Taehyung coming with a dull expression. She was about to ask him when he grabbed her hand and dragged her with him. His mind was a mess, and his heartbeat was fast.

He took her to his room.
He opened the door harshly and pinned her on the door.
Her words were cut off when he pulled her body closer.
Y/n eyes widened and put her palms on his chest to create some distance. She pushed him a little.

Feeling annoyed, he groaned a little and took her hands and pinned them above her head with his one veiny hand.
He pulled her body closer to his.
He let her hands go and tightly hugged her waist.
His eyes meet hers.
Y/n heart was beating crazily. Goosebumps rose on her skin when he licked his lips looking at her body trapped between his.
His eyes traveled to her lips.
Before she could even react, he smashed his lips on her. He kissed her tenderly trying to express his emotions through the kiss. The kiss was passionate. Y/n was stunned not knowing what to do. She grabbed his silk shirt.
While kissing her, his hand grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it a little. He entered his hand inside her shirt. He groaned when he felt the softness of her milky skin.
"F****ng so soFT". He growled as he caressed her skin.
Y/n was left speechless, she lost her first kiss. A shiver ran down her spine when he felt his warm hands on her cold skin.
He bit her lower lip making her gasped. Taking the opportunity, he entered his tongue inside her mouth.
Y/n felt breathless. She tapped on his shoulder.
He let her go when he sensed her tapping.
He traveled down while kissing her jaw and stopped at her collarbone. He bit her gently making her hissed a little. He blew on it forming a purple hickey.
He inhaled her lavender scent. He was going crazy feeling her this close.

Tae pov:
I can't live without my princess. She has trapped me in her innocence. I wanted to ruin her innocence. Soon, her delicate cheeks turned red and she started breathing heavily with sweat appearing on her forehead. She is so beautiful.

He whispered in her ear huskily,

"You are the only champagne that I am addicted to princess."

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