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Hunter cautiously walked through the dark and eerie room, his heart racing with anticipation.

"Please let me go," Y/N said painfully.

Hunter heard a seductive voice that belonged to Y/N.

The sound was so alluring that it sent shivers down his spine, but he couldn't help but feel drawn to it.
As he walked closer, he saw Y/N standing, her beauty and allure captivating him. With a wicked grin on his face, he slowly approached her, feeling a rush of excitement building inside him.

Without warning, Hunter grabbed Y/N's shirt and tore off a small piece of fabric, causing her to let out a scream of disgust. She pushed him away, her eyes filled with fear and anger. "Don't touch me like that!" she whispered in disgust, her voice trembling with emotion. Hunter smirked and was about to reach out for her again, but suddenly, a loud noise interrupted them.

The scene was chaotic as black power held Hunter's neck and started choking him, rendering him breathless. Suddenly, Hunter was thrown back with immense force, colliding with the hard ground, causing him to yelp in pain.

The black smoke surrounding the area grew darker, making it difficult for anyone to see. The moon, on the other hand, started to glow wider, illuminating the darkness around them.

As the commotion continued, everyone present there heard footsteps approaching them.

They looked up to see a man standing in front of them, and his aura was domineering. Everyone gasped, looking at his ethereal features. His wings flapped as he glared at them with rage building inside him.

Valerie whispered to her mom, "Mom, he is so handsome."

Despite her comment, Taehyung scoffed, looking at them with a devilish glare in his eyes.

He roamed his eyes around, looking for a specific person. His eyes glowed golden, and his facial expressions softened when he found that person.

However, his heart ached as he looked at her condition. He made his way towards her, and the fire itself gave way for him to enter, leaving everyone stunned.

The fire glowed more as he entered, and he put his hand on his waist, making her flinch. She started shivering and looked at him with her doe eyes. Taehyung gulped, as it was the first time he had seen her. She was stunned, looking at Taehyung's beauty, and he pulled her closer, colliding her fragile body with his muscular one. She started pushing him and hitting his chest with her little palms.

He looked at her being hurt. She was hitting him continuously until he held her hands and pinned them behind her back with his one hand. He pulled her closer and pressed his body against her.
He went near her ear.
She gasped when she felt his hot breath against her ear.
He whispered darkly, "It's okay darling. Calm down. No one will hurt you."
She looked at her with her cute doe eyes. He hugged her to calm her down.

Hunter looked at them and spoke while glaring at Taehyung, "Give her back you mf! you won't leave alive from here". He challenged him without knowing he was inviting his death.

Taehyung chuckled evilly making him confused. He wrapped his wings around her ensuring her safety. His wings formed a golden outline making them look magnificent.

Taehyung, with a tender touch, pulled her closer to him and started to pat her back gently, trying to calm her down.

Hunter, with his eyes burning with rage, watched them intensely. He summoned all the fire that was burning around them and directed it towards them to kill, but as soon as the fire was about to reach them, it disappeared. Hunter felt unbearable pain in his chest as if his own heart was being burned by the flames.

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