VCAT.AI - Try to solve it with AI

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Artificial intelligence AI has begun to take on diverse and deep positions in our lives, and now it is making remarkable progress and taking on a new role

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Artificial intelligence AI has begun to take on diverse and deep positions in our lives, and now it is making remarkable progress and taking on a new role. Ai's influence is gradually expanding from improving work efficiency to helping creative ideas.

Have you ever seen short ads on social media or Reels videos in less than a minute? How were those videos made? It's Ai! There are sites that put images in themselves, or just put the URL of the product in the shopping mall, and make videos.
It's the V-cat VCAT that I'm going to introduce today.

Vcat is an AI service that automatically creates marketing videos in a minute by simply putting in a URL. However, you can create marketing videos by uploading images yourself without putting in a URL. I also prefer this side a little bit more.

Overall, V-cat is a service that can easily and easily produce AI technology-based marketing videos. You can find various marketing applications in the gallery. You can check out marketing advertisements made by other human influencers and famous companies using V-cat!

Vcat supports various screen ratios and has various templates according to the purpose. You can simply check the image below. It is great for producing various industries and purposes. If you sell a product, you can put a video in the middle of the product. If you always have a lot of concerns about what to do with the advertisement, you can refer to each template and modify only the product name and price, and just accept AI's comfortable production by making a video with URL!


Company Name : Pion Corporation

Name: 신민주 Minju Shin


Division : Strategy

Address: V&S 601, 26 Samsung-ro 85-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Phone : +82.10.9483.4822


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